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Position:Home>Philosophy> Sometimes it is easier if you hide?

Question:Don't you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Don't you think?

Yes the easiest way to escape,but concience dont make make you feel easy.Its a short time purpose.But the best i think is to face the reality of life.Its nice to be open to anybody.Becifwe hide something there is one man that see us everyday , that knows that we are hiding something.So better yet face the truth.Dont hide.

yes, but it lacks the joy if you will continue hiding and not face the seeker who you are hiding...

yeah, unfortunately, I do think! 8-)

Do we only have two choices?

To hide or to actively seek attention?
There are a whole lot of things we need to do in our lives. When it's time to hide it is easier to hide. When we have to jump we should jump. When we should say something we should. Unfortunately we sometimes do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Was this the right time for me to answer? It seemed like it. BUT I suppose I'll realy never know.

Yes, hiding is an easy way out, but only for the time being... it is no lasting solution.

Yes, it's aways easier to hide and is sometimes the best thing to do, especially in Hide and Seek, but the right thing to do is to face the thing you fear. You don't win a war by retreating, you don't find happiness if you are reclusive, and you can't hide secrets for long.

Yes, "EASIER" & "SOMETIMES"---but that's the way of the escapist. As a noble & honest guy with proper courage, one wouldn't hide to get the easiness. People's way of finding or trying "EASY" path, is not that easy at all.

Goodness yes...but then, if we hide all of the time...we wouldn't learn anything now would we.?
I know I'd like to hide, especially if I am guilty of doing something and I've been found out...I feel like a real a** know?
A really hard life situation makes me wanna run and hide sometimes too....just so I can think for a while...but sometimes I don't have the chance to do's hard having to face everything ALL OF THE TIME....yuk...