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Position:Home>Philosophy> What inspires you right now?

Question:God's divine mercy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: God's divine mercy.

This song, its so soothing.

not much.

Strangely enough, Final Fantasy 7. The entire series.

My wall paper. Its crazy looking and I can see something in it very interesting. I may just create something from it.

I'm almost to level 2... and this puts me that much closer... now that's inspiration!

elliott smith's music.

philosophy in some weird way i don't kno

The fact that I dont know whats going to happen next.

Nothing at all no reason to any think

My SON BOOGIE!! My HUSBAND!!! Our HOME..... everything around me!!!!! LIFE INSPIRES ME!!!!!! IT'S REALLY AMAZING!!!!!

plate spinning really