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Position:Home>Philosophy> You're the last person on Earth...?

Question:For whatever reason, you're the last person on Earth.
First place you'd go?
First thing you'd do?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For whatever reason, you're the last person on Earth.
First place you'd go?
First thing you'd do?


For the first couple of months, I'd wake every morning thinking "Thank god it's over...they're all dead".

Naturally I'd go from place to place and take whatever is there. there would be more than enough canned goods to last one person's lifetime. I would likely tour the larger cities first, before the un-manned utility, gas and industrial infrastructure burned them all down. Bearing that in mind I would have to likely make my own living place distant from the cities, made of cob and stone and partially subterrainian. After the fires, I'd probably travel through once more and take anything useful.

I would likely, before the fires, loot as many solar panels, ham radios, and alternative power resources I needed, and I'd like spend the first five or so years trying to find out if there were any other people who just happened to be around.

Naturally I'd have a large book collection, but eventually, if I lived to be old enough, I'd forget how to speak, and there would be no reason to retain writing. If any future intelligent beings came to this earth or evolved from a previous species, there would be scant evidence of us anyway, and they could surely decipher the artifacts that remained. Maybe I would write something in stone-clay tablets, maybe not.

I would avoid the bears, have enough shotguns and bullets to defend myself, and spend the rest of my life communinng with the animals. I'd probably end up adopting a wolf. Maybe a wolf family would end up adopting me.

I would go on a shopping spree since everything would be free! Then I would probably cry because no one would be able to see how cute my outfits are. :(

Go to the mall and have fun the designer stores.

id be lost ive only been out of my state once so probably look around for other people
2.pray to god

I would go to the candy store and eat all the candy!

stupid question almost everything is boring with no one to see it or be there

if i were the last person on earth, i'd go to the bar; and have a couple of stiff drinks, then i'd figure out how to survive in a world alone..

First I would go to the hunting store, and grab a gun, just in case I need some protection from mutant zombies. Then i would go to a clothing store and stock up on warm clothes.

i would go to the white house!! make that my new home, and then take trips all over the world

go to the bookstore and read all the books

1. I would go to any place where I could find things for survival
I would stay busy, creating a place to live for me and my dogs.

I would find pplace to stock up my things where it's safe.Stock up on things like hytraten,food,clothes,guns so u could protect ur would be boring if i'm the only person on the planet no one to talk to i'll get bored very quickly.

wow that's a really scary thought. imagine you could walk in the middle of the busiest highway in the world and nothing would hit you because NOBODY was driving. i would go to my grandma's house and make cookies because when i was little, this was one of my favorite places. it would make me feel safe again, as wierd as that sounds. comforting, when you're in a world all alone.

You're in a survival mode at that point, so you seek out food, shelter, then protection.

Find a shelter that has two well reinforced entry points only. Preferably a shelter with a tower, and thick walls.

Ironically, a prison would make an ideal shelter. Because it affords you ; food, shelter, weapons, and a lookout position.

As for in the long run. Somewhere with good growing climate, far away from any area that has nuclear power plants. Seeing as how the plants will auto-meltdown due to a lack of maintenance.

First place I'd go: Library.
First thing i'd do: Get very VERY drunk.
and raid the univeristy halls for drugs.

What would be the point? If I knew for certain there was no one else alive on this planet, continuance would be a waste. I would try to go to a lab and see if I could grow an embryo for a female. Adam and Eve, I guess....

I gave this answer three months ago. I don't believe one should give up hope but look for solutions.

Intriguing. Well it certainly would be a bad waste of earth space if human kind came down to that. But I think the answer would be the only hope would be with a young healthy woman that was a fighter and not a quitter.

She would have to want human kind to survive. I don't know how it would out. But if I were here I would go to some place where they had frozen embryos. And get herself
impregnated so that new life can come back on this earth. She would have to be willing to impregnate herself say 10 times over 10 years.

It sounds outlandish I know but this is a very unusual situation on earth. A unique solution must be found. But I think you might be able to get human kind back on it's feet again in say 20 to 100 years.

As a man I could not do that.

So I would just record a DVD, and have a my space and u tube accounts and just say what happened and why. And tell whatever intelligent life form that comes after us where we failed and why.

I would not like this real life scenario at all and am only glad it is hypothetical.

I think someone could write a book about this just based on your question and my answer. As of December 9, 2007 I don't think there is a book out there with this plot.

* 3 months ago


I'd go shopping. Heck, everything is free right? Wait, did you say I am the only thing alive or just the last person? Is this like Wil Smith's movie where there are zombies and animals, just no people? Then the whole thing is changed. I think we can live like hermits if we have things to occupy our minds. When we have nothing left for our brains to do, then we go crazy.

get in a airplane and fly around the world then parachute onto the tallest buildng on earth and eat a lunchable.then jump of using my spare parachute and glide to the closest military base. then jack a helichoper and fly around shooting everything insight. after that i would go to north korea and find the nuclear silos. After i find the nuclear silos i would have myself another lunchable (the pizzakind, and chill in kimjung ills palace and watch all of his movies. After shoot of every nuke into the oceane and watch what happens. then i retreat due to the nuclear fallout. After i hijack a air craft carrier i go into the middle of the pacific ocean. i fish and fish for the largest squid ever but soon get sea sick and almost die at see. After an amazing feat of streagth i go to hawaii and just chill and maybe smoke some maryjane. and eat 10 lunchables. that would be one fine day

First Place: The bookstore! I would read EVERYTHING that looked even slightly interesting.

First Thing: I'd go and drive SUPER-FAST down the road.

Stay where I am.
Stay alive.