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Position:Home>Philosophy> How important are we in the grand scheme of things? It seems to me we humans are

Question:somehow living detritus or as Carl Sagan said: "star stuff"? In the long run, what does it mean if we humans are not as important as we think we are? Where are we going, if anywhere? Come to think of it, my animated detritus fits theory fits in with the Genesis creation story doesn't it? You tell me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: somehow living detritus or as Carl Sagan said: "star stuff"? In the long run, what does it mean if we humans are not as important as we think we are? Where are we going, if anywhere? Come to think of it, my animated detritus fits theory fits in with the Genesis creation story doesn't it? You tell me!

This quote describes how less important the "grand scheme" is than the life a human.
"I know not if this earth on which I stand is the core of the universe or if it is but a speck of dust lost in eternity. I know not and I care not. For I know what happiness is possible to me on earth. And my happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it."

The "grand scheme" is just natural law. "Just"? Yes, because it cannot do anything but follow its own laws. It has no volition caused by cognition, as do we. We can "rule" natural law by "obeying" natural law. (Hume.)

And I can be happy no matter what natural law throws at me.

All we are is dust in the wind.

you are correct, we are totally meaningless. A human life means as much to the universe as the life of a gnat, or a pebble on a beach

I don't give a f--- what we are. I am just going to enjoy every minute that I'm here.

becoming a nihilist are we?

I strongly believe that the genesis is the contributing factor to our well being and the detritus is nothing more then the catalyst to what we now call human nature. Confused yet? I sure am

People are not animated matter, we are the children of God, the carriers of his love and compassion for one another. We matter to each other, everyone matters to someone. Even those we don't know. There are people I didn't know Jan 1, 2008 that matter the whole world to me now. Finding them was what I call divine intervention. God is at work in us all the, not animated, real, blood, muscle, bone, feeling, breathing.

We are "important" to ourselves and each other...

Other than that...



You get animated. I'll show you it matters ;-)


grab a hand full of sand and pick out the great ones from it