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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would it take to make you happy?

Question:To be loved unconditionally by my spouse.
and for her to be my biggest fan.

never gonna happen

but my daughter loves me unconditionally
and is my biggest fan.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To be loved unconditionally by my spouse.
and for her to be my biggest fan.

never gonna happen

but my daughter loves me unconditionally
and is my biggest fan.


I'm good,thanks...

money ,, lots of money

Ice cream, sunshine, music and love

You look cute enough.

pills and money to buy the pills

world peace

I think Socrates said that men want to do the "Good" so they feel good.

I think I'd just be happy with more money.

i'm already happy thanks...

Contentment. It comes in unexpected places and time. Learn to wait.

my life would be perfect if i always had... love, money, family and friends

Finding the love of my life...the rest is just scenery...

paris hilton
pam anderson
jessica alba
jenna jamieson

Just enough money to not have to live paycheck to paycheck and not be behind on my bills after being laid off.


to be some thing that i really want to be in life

Health and wealth. Enough to not need to worry about either, but still have a goal in life.

And to have no homework. Or even no procrastination.

I already am lol I found knowing yourself is the best thing you can do then simply follow the path of life that calls out to you. The second thing is not letting people around you dictate how you should or shouldn't live your life (best to stay away from these people) X

finding beauty in little things that come across my way, and Of course! when my output equals input.
I am a cricket fan and watching cricket, understanding its nuances(being a girl) and following it closely makes me feel happy!

Express myself(including my creativity) and with it make people happy. Relate to as many people as I can, especially those who need me-my unique qualities- and contribute to the good of others as well as self

the best answer award here so i can dance around like the message i get at yahoo tells me to do.

Seeing a basket of Puppies, Kittens playing together, a Baby Goat, a Lamb finding it's mother, a newborn Calf in a pasture, a Colt in a green field, Cows already milked and ready to be turned out to pasture, a momma duck out on the pond with her brood of ducklings, A Rooster crowing at daybreak, A Hen with her Chicks out in the barnyard, Rain in Texas, a nest full of chicken eggs, the absence of a chicken snake in that nest, and the life-long pursuit of all of the above.

A life without worry, without war, without hunger...

It's a pretty tall order.....

Just love makes me happy.
Being loved by someone that you love will do wonders for you, mentally, emotionally and even physically.

Wow... I loved Paul N's answer. I totally agree with him

Birds chirpping out my window, it being sunny out, it being warmer, everyone else in a good mood, laughing...

a life with my love.

That every Idea I had was brilliant and made lots of money .

True Happiness happens whenever we are not judging anything.

Any time that you are not judging you are happy.

The moment that you start judging, you find something to be unhappy about.

It really is that simple.

Love and blessings Don

That special person that always makes me smile.