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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the reason you GIVE?

Question:I don't believe in the concept of "honor". What's that supposed to do with anything?

Compassion and common sense *****.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't believe in the concept of "honor". What's that supposed to do with anything?

Compassion and common sense *****.

Honor is a way for people to show respect for others who have done something to make a positive difference in the world. People who have done good things for the sake of being honored though, do not deserve it.

you don't believe in honoring our soldiers and deceased? i feel sorry for you

Honor equals respect - either for ones' self, or for others.

honor is kind of like respect i think. giving either because you want to or because other people make you

If you are having problems finding joy in basic human qualities, such as in the joy of giving something, be it tangible, or something intangible like honoring of others in their accomplishments, you could be suffering from depression. I know that when I was depressed, I ceased feeling joy in anything whatsoever. I can see not choosing in receiving gifts, such as BEING honored, but not the other way around.

thats the problem no honor. Honor is in a sense what makes things fair. If you have honor then you play by the rules and lose honorably, if your not honorable then you cheat which if you win all right, but you cheated so it's unhonorable, but if you lost then you were still unhonorable and unfair and deserved to lose.

I give because it's who I am and I can't help it. I try to not think about it too much because then I may come up with a reason and whether it's right or wrong I'll believe it unless I come up with a better reason then I'll believe that reason. GET IT???

It would be helpful if you had an example to explain your question. In what situation do you not believe in honour?
In marriage or other relationships people treat those they love with Honour, do you believe in that?

Honour, compassion and common sense are all quite different - how do you compare one with another?

Honor has a lot to do with going to be at night. But nothing to do with giving. I give what I have to give. I don't do it for honor or gratification, I give to somebody who needs. Honor has nothing to do with giving. Honor is more your word.

I do not give, I share.

The Fourth Commandment : Honor your father and your mother. (in other words being obedient to them).

Honor is a form of Respect?

To give comes from within, and if you don't go within you go without. When you give a gift it was a thought WANTED to give that gift for whatever COMPASSIONATE, give it freely, expect nothing. And when it's time to receive a gift. Accept it, graciously, remember it was a thought someone had compassionately.
The more you give the more that comes back to you, it's a natural law. That means, when a gift...of any compassion, comes back to YOU. accept it openly and humbly. The more you accept the more you get...the more you get the more you have to GIVE AWAY. and so on and so on and so's a cycle. I loved your question.