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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should we let ourselves be so controlled?

Question:from the age we able to speak, we are entered into a system that tells us how to act, think and behave. why do we conform to this system of being slaves to the wage? surely there is a better way?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: from the age we able to speak, we are entered into a system that tells us how to act, think and behave. why do we conform to this system of being slaves to the wage? surely there is a better way?

You can live without money. You can live in an economy without money, if you can find like minded people. Lots of tribal people still do it.
But you can't escape work. If you don't buy your breakfast at the local greasy spoon, you have to hunt it, fish it, catch it or grow it. I know from personal experience that growing food is very time consuming, as is making all the stuff that you need by hand. We tried it - we went to Maine in 1977. bought 74 acres of mixed forest and streams, and built our own house without power tools. We had to haul our water from the spring. The labor was endless, and we never did get around to raising our own pigs to make our own leather to make our own shoes.

1984 by george orwell.
that should explain why people allow it.

that and the fact they are too lazy and idifferant to stop it.
The masses will not realise what restrictions have been put on their freedom, not even when it's too late.
Pray for rain.

You are in the right direction with your independent thought. The answer is no, we shouldn't.
You may enjoy reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. She opposed socialism and her philosophy is Objectivism.
Unless you were thinking someone else ought to work for your wage while you slack off....

Biological, we are programmed to copy people around us who obviouly exist because they know the ropes, the same ropes we need to know so we can fit in and be the system ourselves one day. catch 22 i'm afraid. You could farm the land try to become self sufficient but its less risky to conform isn't it.

I think the answer that fits here is that quote from the bible if memory serves me and it often doesn`t, `Be in the world but not of the world`. Well that`s the main idea.

It is possible to mind one`s own business, you know, and that`s a big start when it comes to not being controlled by others. Geez if that idea could ever catch on we`d have Utopia here on this globe.

That is the better way. Get addicted to joy and love and refuse to get sucked in to the rotten stuff. Is it do-able?
Hey! Have I ever lied to you before?

Dummies don't even think they are controlled...they are the status quo. Smarties, like us, know there is something wrong. So we question and break free....Dummies must be controlled because they lack confidence in controlling themselves. Smarties can control themselves.