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Question:am constantly struggling with this question. I'll think that things are below me, like drugs, or hooking up with random guys, or being a bitchh, and that I would never do them, but then at times I can see how I would do them. And I judge people for doing them but so many people do stuff like that so I can't just go around looking down on everyone who does something like that right?? They can't all be bad people. And yet I find myself looking down on them anyway. And it makes me feel so hypocritical too because one of the things I hate is people who are really judgemental of others. But that means I'm judging the people who are judging others. I am just sooo confused. Help please anyone??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: am constantly struggling with this question. I'll think that things are below me, like drugs, or hooking up with random guys, or being a bitchh, and that I would never do them, but then at times I can see how I would do them. And I judge people for doing them but so many people do stuff like that so I can't just go around looking down on everyone who does something like that right?? They can't all be bad people. And yet I find myself looking down on them anyway. And it makes me feel so hypocritical too because one of the things I hate is people who are really judgemental of others. But that means I'm judging the people who are judging others. I am just sooo confused. Help please anyone??

i think you should read up on the
"fundamental attribution error"
this is basically having the tendency to over-attribute others' behavior and explaining it through that person's own fault, while ignoring the situation.
a common example of this could be while you're out driving and someone is speeding and cutting people off, including you. most people would automattically think "aww what a b****"
in this case being a b**** would be the person's own fault
but perhaps in the situation, a family member is in the hospital dying and is in a hurry to get to them.
this example is to show you how people tend to ignore reasons for things, and jumping ahead to give a casual explanation for someones behavior.

in your case, i think that you - like most of the population - cant explain others behavior throughly, so you over-attribute them. it isnt a fault of your own that you do this, its a natural thing. but just remember that it isnt their fault either.

You are living. It seems like it will be a long path for you to discover yourself. It takes a long time to get over stuff like this.

that, my friend, is life.

Sweetie, many many people ask themselves that. My opinion is everybody will eventually find out. Just keep looking no matter what struggles and let-downs you have[: If you want to to fulfill your dream go ahead girl, do not let no one stop you! And remember God will always know who you are and love you for just that. It is only human to judge others even if you are guilty of the same deed. It is only normal, try not judging people on their faults. We all have them[: Next time instead of judging people on their flaws try helping them fix their flaws.

Good luck

Who are you?
You are something marvelous. You are the child of God Speak with your own conscience.
Your conscience is part of your high being, your protector, the highest gift of God to you.
In silence try to meditate and find God inside of you.
God loves you.
Be sure of that

Stay focused on your own actions. Set your own standards, establish your own values, and abide by them.

Good Luck

My one view I try to keep clear in my life: "As long as you are happy with your life then I am happy for the way you live it no matter how wrong or right it seems. However if what you are doing to keep yourself happy is interferring with others happiness or lives then I don't respect your way of living." Thats what I tell myself. Now this means you can judge all you want, but when you judge someone you need to ask yourself: "Am I happy judging someone else?" In your case since this question of your caused so much confusion I would guess that if you did stop judging others it would clear this up and make you happy right?

So in saying this if, you are a serial killer and killing other people makes you happy then I will respect you, of course this isn't the case since in making yourself happy your are interferring with the other persons happiness and life since I don't think dying makes them too happy.

But theres a limit. If I do something and it makes you unhappy just because your jealous or tired of looking at me then that's a little unfair isn't it?

You are at total loss in direction.
You are also a confused person.

try meditating, you are worrying about the nature of human beings. maybe doing some reading about philosophy might help. you are what you are, you control your actions and sometimes you make mistakes. that is perfectly normal. what you cant do is let yourself sink to other peoples levels by judging other people. consider all the circumstances the other people are going through and walk in their shoes for a while.

remember, life is a long lesson in humility

One interpretation: If you're conflicted, you're angry and condemning. Hence, some of what you might sense you're capable of sinking to, you condemn in others, as such is contagious, peer-influenced.

When you don't do or abuse drugs, slut up, or bitchh (loved those Yahoo! censors), you raise society just as if you gave to Save the Whales (or whatever).

If you live in an decaying society, like an inner city, being less self-indulgent and self-destructive (and less destructive to others) is a way up and out of such misery. If you're smart and moral enough not to do stupid things, and you're already launching from a well-enough family, you're at least saving yourself from lots of pain.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,
"The Overachievers," Alexandra Robbins,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,
"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.

You are what you do.

If you write software programs, you are a programmer.

Only you can decide what you are.

Get a decent job and go back to school as a part time student.

You will find your passion in life sooner or later.

Look at it this way see if it helps. We are born good and we die good. What we do is different than who we are. As we have will we can choose to do good or do evil. We are judged by this. If we do wrong, this does not change the notion that we are good. We can change and do good again. I like the idea of not judging people because we all do wrong cuz we are all imperfect, but we repent feel remorseful and try again. You are on the right track. So look for the good in people and you will find it. In yourself you will begin to see the good that you have and the good that you constantly do.