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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you define confusion, what is it?

Question:Confusion to me is a state of mind that is no state at all. I think it is confusing not to be able to think thoroughly, act meaningfully, or see things clearly. I do not think that it is confusing to be ignorant, have little understanding, or even to be in doubt.

I hope you will be able bring some light to the matter. Only if I have at least a few, even when opposing, viewpoints, I might be able to work my way through.

Just imagine how many happy things you might have lost to confusion, I know I have.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Confusion to me is a state of mind that is no state at all. I think it is confusing not to be able to think thoroughly, act meaningfully, or see things clearly. I do not think that it is confusing to be ignorant, have little understanding, or even to be in doubt.

I hope you will be able bring some light to the matter. Only if I have at least a few, even when opposing, viewpoints, I might be able to work my way through.

Just imagine how many happy things you might have lost to confusion, I know I have.

Thanks for your thoughts!

I would define confusion as the state of mind that occurs when you are presented with two or more conflicting ideas but you cannot see which one is correct (or which ones are incorrect). You may be able to think thoroughly and meaningfully with your own understanding and yet still not be able dispel your confusion over the subject.

If you can work your way through opposing viewpoints to reach an understanding, you will no longer be confused. So confusion is the state where you cannot do this.

Reading the question caused me quite a bit of confusion

Being indecisive and irrational

Confusion amounts to little more than not giving your self enough time to sort out the possibilities.

Have faith that you are up to the task and you will limit the effect that confusion has on you.

Love and blessings Don

Umm err hold on, umm ok confusion is defined by err umm
omg what was the question again?

whether you can define the "state" of confusion or not, how does that affect whether you will lose thoughts to it?

Whether I can define gravity or not, when i step off a building, I go down very fast.

Good Question.
I would say that confusion is the doubt we experience when confronted with the choice between two or more decisions which must be made.

Maybe you've got it.

For me, confusion isn't a state of not knowing. To be confused one must have two or more opposing thoughts thus there is acknowledgement of both or more sides. The clash of feelings/thoughts leads to a state of confusion. This to me shows that we recognise the feelings to realise that it clashes.

What do you think?

Confusion is the grey area between state of mind.

for me, confusion is simple. It is a purgatory state between understanding and not understanding

you have a true inner self that knows what you want, you have an ego that tells you, what you should have.. and far to many people shuffling the cards

I would liken confusion to the chaotic state that shakes loose lots of rigidity so as to create something new and drop the old .

disturbance of peace

I used to be indecisive but now I am not sure.

You ask to "bring some light to the matter." And this is just what this is -- Light brought to matter. When thought merges and thus condenses as to approach too heavy a state, it literally 'confuses': herewith is too great a 'light brought into matter, for thought is a rarified form of matter, the highest form of all matter -- far too high a frequency to countenance its own native composition in the coarser media such as that located at the physical mind states; thus if in the case energy tends to the coarser approach, that same energy must be accomodated with a greater measure of 'space', without which having causes difficulty.

Confusion is not that of a divergence or scattering but rather congealing or solidifying, likened to the mass of a neutron star, of which a mere piece the size of a baseball clocks in weighing billions of tons. Hint: the mind energy gradients are no less replicas to the selfsame operations of occurrences inside massive stars, which at critical points either explode as in supernovas so as to express great energy and then return to stability, or that of carbon detonation supernovas that when blow, they blow themselves out, completely and away, never to re-form, so powerful are the forces.

Confusion, on the other hand, is the reverse of this wherein all implodes, wherein a greater ratio of energy coursing in than expressing outward of center occurs, becoming ever increasingly massive till such time as a black hole is the event. In the mind, in this replica as stated, however, this dynamic manifests as confusion. And fortunately, the mind has an innate default, not unlike supernovas, that knows to shut itself down, like that of a circuit breaker switching on. And if the same insurgence of energy persists, the breaker stays switched on, keeping the mind diminished or turned off so as to acclimate for the imbalance of import coursing in from the outer worlds, which energy we believe we own [caused by an imbalance of ego].

Though none of us looks forward to undergoing a state of confusion, certainly not insanity, nonetheless and nevertheless is it a necessary occurrence -- ironically -- as if some devil's trick -- somewhere, sometime in regard to some one's mind, which of itself can mitigate against but not so often when several minds are not working in tandem and are at cross purposes -- that is too massive.

Confusion in this universe, however, does not have it in any other way and in fact thrives on it by reason of its foil, which is clarity; this, too, it thrives on. In other words, it thrives upon antagonism to ensure of momentum. While we are sentient beings, we are as well -- as part of a matter universe, wearing physical raiment -- subject to the mechanics and laws of a matter universe in no less terms. This does take us into the otherwise thought esoteric realm, that we might better denote as a quick bird's eye view, but one surface among countless, of the spiritual sciences.