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Position:Home>Philosophy> Ever thought that Jesus isnt real?

Question:i think that religion is not worth my time no more, i wish i could believe it. but its just that i dont even think god or jesus or virgin mary are real . the fact that we said that they help us through everything but is that real? or is it you saying that? In my opinion when somebody wants something really bad and you pray to god that you wish for that and you hope to have it.. and then you get it.. and you say "Thanks God for this that ive ask for" , but is it really god who helped you or is it you who putted all that effort to get it? i think its all us. I dont believe there is a god. i think us humans came from the Evolution of the Man..
if you look it up... you can see. I stop believing in god too because i think i can do things by myself. My parents are Catholic and they wish for me to keep the religion.. but i cant because there is no proof of god or jesus.. or nothing. its all words.. and words.
Its all on you guys mind.
so if you want to convince me do it. but prove it :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i think that religion is not worth my time no more, i wish i could believe it. but its just that i dont even think god or jesus or virgin mary are real . the fact that we said that they help us through everything but is that real? or is it you saying that? In my opinion when somebody wants something really bad and you pray to god that you wish for that and you hope to have it.. and then you get it.. and you say "Thanks God for this that ive ask for" , but is it really god who helped you or is it you who putted all that effort to get it? i think its all us. I dont believe there is a god. i think us humans came from the Evolution of the Man..
if you look it up... you can see. I stop believing in god too because i think i can do things by myself. My parents are Catholic and they wish for me to keep the religion.. but i cant because there is no proof of god or jesus.. or nothing. its all words.. and words.
Its all on you guys mind.
so if you want to convince me do it. but prove it :)

These are questions that, in all honesty, you have to work out for yourself. I have come to the conclusion that there is no God, despite my religious upbringing. You shouldn't be asking others for arguments, you should be working out your own.

I'm an atheist, but my favorite bumper sticker that I've ever seen was this:

Militant Agnostic.
I don't know and neither do you.

Jesus is Real. You will find out in time. Report It

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  • I never thought Jesus never existed, it 's only when his birth and his rising occured which is doubtful, and that is unimportant.

    i feel the same way, i really think that if God was real, why is there so much war. i also think that religion was started as a children's story that parents would tell their children so they wouldn't be afraid of dying. the pure basic fact is that after death, we rot. there is nothing after.

    I was catholic til the priest decided to touch all the young boys at my school! and yesterday I read that a priest was caught spending money at strip club from the church, and he lied then saying he was kidnapped and taken there, when the owner said the man was a regular there!

    Religion was created for security for people and to keep everyone in society from misbehaving.

    God has not agreed to help us in every situation, but instead to find an inner happiness that makes every situation a learning one.

    ther is so much war because it is all a part of God's plan. if you read the bible God states that there will be bad times near the "end" and things will get worse before they get better. all of this war is a sign of his soon return. i don't mean he'll be coming in a few days, because since he is immortal a few years is a short time to him.

    a lot of things we don accomplish by ourselves and with our own effort, God is ther to help us through those things that we accomplish, not to accomplish it for us.

    anyone who truley believes in God is satisfied.

    I think Jesus was a Jewish teacher and I don't worship Jews because I am one.

    There are records of Jesus's physical existence, but it's your personal opinion if you think he's the son of God. I don't think he was, but I still think he was a great person.

    If you're an atheist, that's your own belief and no one should try to convince you otherwise. There's nothing worse than having religion stuffed down your throat. I was raised Catholic, so I know how frustrating it can be.

    I believe in God because I like the thought of meaning, the reassurance that someone out there cares about me and watches over me no matter what. However, I recognise that there is no proof in this and I could be wrong. We should each individually believe what we think is right because no one on earth knows what religion, if any, is the "right" one.

    I've doubted a long time ago until I prayed and he helped me through a really difficult time. It takes faith when you pray as well. If you don't have faith then you'll never believe. But remember too that God always answers prayer but he might say yes, no, or simply wait. What have you got to lose by putting your faith in God? The thought of just dying and fading to black gives us no hope when Jesus is our only hope.

    War, diseases, death and more is just nature. WIthout it, the world will be imbalanced. Acctually religion is just for people who are weak, so they need to believe in a God to make them stronger. When someone believes in a God, they feel more encouraged. It's really based on yourself acctually.

    No. I am however, an Atheist. I, as do most historians, believe Jesus was real, just not a messiah...

    You can not prove nor disprove god. Hell, you can't even prove that your human... I could sit here and say "your not human, God is just making everyone except me think you are," and you could never prove me wrong.

    That being said, I still don't believe in god. Why? Well I just don't. I'm one of those peoples that likes evidence. Some people can believe based on pure faith, I however can't.

    The biggest problem is were did everything come from... If god made us, then who made god? And what made what made god? And it would go on like that forever...

    It's just something that can not be solved.

    It's called faith darling. God is not a cosmic bell boy that we can call upon every time we need or want something. Jesus was not the messenger, he was the saviour. You cannot challenge what is faith you have to believe it is faith. Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim, Buddhism, Mormon, what ever the religion who cares as longs as it promotes goodness and love. It is in the ideologies and the interpretations of faith do we get lost in the mission of our lives. Our mission is to live life with grace. With compassion and love. You my friend must learn to forgive whoever has hurt you and stop blaming God or Jesus for the outcome of your life. They are not here to steer life for you they are here to guide you. The beacon of understand the truth and the path that you must follow. Ultimately it is you who drives down that road of roses or thorns. Which path will you choose to be guided through.

    Well it's good you're sorting out these questions for yourself, but here's the thing; we live in a fallen world. Man has forgotten God, and over the years, God has had less of an influence in a world where man plays God. He still is in control, but you never see as many supernatural things as in Biblical times. God works through everything. I've grown a lot in my faith in Him and I could never go back now, and I've even met a lovely girl that I've been helping with some problems and God allowed me to meet her. I've learned that God is with me at all times and I feel Him when I sit alone in the quiet, or in nature, in tune with His creation.

    The Catholic church has really brought down the name of Jesus Christ- but JC didn't come into this world to start an institution, did He? No, He came so that people could have a personal, one on one connection with God and so they won't need a priest or a pope or a bishop to do that. The Catholic church (largely) has done many bad things in God's name- raping kids, the Crusades, among other things. But at its heart, following Jesus is real if you make it so. When you follow it as a religion like some Catholics do (and some Protestants), it becomes institutionalized and makes our Saviour seem really impersonal and distant- you shouldn't have to rely on a priest or bishop in order to speak to God or get right with Him- you can talk to God anytime, anywhere, confess and repent whenever you need to.

    I'm sorry, but evolution just doesn't exist. It was a theory composed and perfected by bigwigs who try to explain away God. As Bob Marley put it: "If evolution really happened, then why aren't monkeys ever changin' into people?"
    Very good point he makes, and people don't realize. Even if they say evolution takes years, why have we not found monkeys changing or found any half-breeds in all the many years science has existed?

    You need to sort these issues out yourself, but I'll be praying for you (and others in similar situations) to come to a good conclusion. Get right with God.

    This is the only proof I have: NOTHING. But I can try to convince you and try to convince myself. I've been wondering this too.

    If God really doesn't exist and you do believe in evolution then what's to lose? Say that by chance God does exist and now for not believing in him your going to wherever people go for not believing in him, Hell w/e.

    But if evolution was true then hey no matter what you did in your life whether you killed people or not your basically gonna face the same death and afterlife as everyone else.

    But if God does exist then your screwed, meanwhile even if you do believe in God evolution isn't going to send you too some fiery pit. But you can't believe in what you don't want to.

    That's what the word believe means. Believeing is something you want, not what someones wants you to want.

    I can't force you to believe and I used to be a Catholic but now just call myself a Christian. I was born again and if you had that experience, you would certainly know what it feels like and what peace and joy you find. The problem with growing up Catholic is that the mass was in Latin then and I don't speak Latin, so what did I really learn? I have a problem with all the worshiping of statues, because the Holy Bible says to worship God...........not man........and that includes the Pope. He is a sinner like the rest of us. I don't need a confessional to go and confess my sins to a man who is called a priest, but a sinner non the less. How can a priest give marital counseling when he's never been married or advice about our children. Being a Catholic doesn't make you a Christian as well as any other denomination. Following Jesus Christ does make you a Christian. When I slumped against a wall and couldn't take anymore with a bus trip that went wrong, at that moment I cried out to Jesus and a bus driver came over to me to help. He had nothing to do with my bus and the wrong bus I was on. He had a cell phone and there is no doubt in my mind that our Lord works through otheres and sent this amn over to me at that very moment. I have had many experiences and prayers that have been answered, but they are answered in His time and His will. So things happen to good people and we can't understand and we may even blame God, but make no mistake about it, the Lord has His reasons and we may not ever find out why. He wanted a person and called them home. If you don't believe, you will still be forgiven when the Lord returns again to judge us all. Wouldn't you rather go to Heaven and live for an eternity in love, peace, no pain, no worries, then in the fires of Hell? As A Christain I was given the gift of reading the Bible and understanding it. It is the truth. Are you willing to risk your life and be claimed by Satan or trust in the Lord who died for our sins on the cross and have salvation? Read Revelations even if it's not easy to interpret. I wouldn't chance it and not be allowed in Heaven. I have faith in the Lord and I need nothing more than faith in Him . The Lord does work through some people. Either you choose to believe or you don't. The good news is that at that very moment you see Jesus return and you believe then, you will be saved! +

    its probable that there was a PERSON named jesus and he had a mother named mary and a father named joseph. whatever you choose is up to you and there are three kinds of religious people: athiests, people who look inside themselves for the path, and people who look to God (or gods) for the path.
    do what you feel is right.

    I do believe in God. Some parts, like the idea of an immaculate conception and rising from the dead are beyond me, but i do know this.
    Without war, pain and suffering, there would be no happiness.
    God gave us the gift of free choice. It would go back on everything humanity stands for if he decided to smite every person who didn't follow his commandments.
    And if you honestly think the world exists for no reason, just for it to turn to dust when the sun explodes, if you think every action you make will have no consequence whatsoever, because everything will one day be nothing; then have a great, meaningless life.

    What reason do you have to believe in evolution? All the reasons the science teachers give? What are they? You've told us to go do the research our self--real convincing. Did you do research for yourself? If you didn't wouldn't it just be words that you accepted evolution upon? All those persuasive words, like the persuasive words you accepted when you decided on religion so many years ago? Basically, the only "reasons" you have for rejecting Christianity seems to be that evolution is "true". Yeah, maybe. Where is your reasons for believing in evolutionary theory? Oh, right, just like the rest of your reasons for rejecting Christianity the reasons you accept something else is based upon "feeling" (I just "feel" that way--I'm so tired of that phrase as a reason to believe something is true or false). Typical. The best advice I can offer you is to find a good logic professor, sit under him and learn how to think correctly. Then, after this, find a good indtroduction to philosophy course, one that isn't going to be baised but one that will introduce all schools of thought over the course of history. After this you will need to evaluate the arguements in favor for each school of thoughts ideas and systems and come to an honest conclusion about who actually has the soundest arguments. If you reject doing this, the best thing I can tell you is to stop complaining about your confusion--you clearly want to be that way--and you clearly allow your emotions and feelings to do it to you. Thinking isn't easy, logical thinking anyways. In fact, it takes extreme efforst and immense amounts of devotion to train your mind to remain that way. This is probably why Aristotle considered learning to be painful, yet the results pleasurable. Philosophy is a life long task. It take years before you understand everyones thoughts and arguments for believing what they think is true. Unfortunately, not all priests are educated, neither are all science teachers. Not many science teachers can tell us how the universe began--only how life is evolving. Neither can they give you any one shred of observational evidence that evolution is occuring as we speak. But, there are arguments for evolutionary theory. Some priests can't tell you any arguments for God's existence. The point is simple: Just because those you've happened to experience cant explain things to you doesn't mean there arn't arguments that haven't been formulated that can. It's your responsibility to understand what people have said and your responsibility to have good reasons of accepting or rejecting those ideas. Refusing to do this is probably what it means to be "lost" (not in a religious sense, though). Being lost in this sense means having no idea why you believe what you do, neither having reasons for rejecting other peoples ideas. You do so on the basis of "feelings". You do and live and believe blindly. In that sense you're lost. One c an only feel sorry for those who live like this. You need to have better reasons than the ones you do for rejecting Christianity and accepting evolution--the same applies to anything.

    If you believe in Jesus, Jesus will exist to you.
    If you don't believe Jesus existed, then Jesus will not exist to you.
    Simple as that.
    No need for proof because it is your belief that really counts

    We live in avery materialistic world. Many people believe that only exists what they see and touch.

    Why do you think you have a pancreas or lungs or stomach if you don′t see them?

    You believe because you trust the things that you are told and mainly because YOU FEEL.

    What you are told is proved by your sensations and feelings.

    You know you have a heart because you feel it beating and you believe you have lungs because you breath.

    But you have not seen them ever.

    You believe in God or in Jesus because you trust millions of people saying He exists, but mainly because you feel Him in your heart, your mind and Spirit.

    You believe in your inside organs because you have studied them in your science books and you have seen how they might look .

    The words of Jesus have been written in millions of writings through thousands of years, but principally in all in the Gospels.

    I knew somebody that thought that she had a tube inside of her, that she ate and the food went through a tube until it got out of her body.

    She was told that, since she was a little girl and she always said she did not believe the nonsens thousands of people said because she had never ever seen those organs, she said those were inventions...she said those were words...and words.

    But there are millions of things that exixts even if you dont see them .... even if you dont feel them...exept for God that lives inside of you. Try to listen to his voice, try to feel His presence.

    Then try to read the Gospels just to know Who is Jesus.

    Millions of people of different countries, pueblos, clans, tribes and big countries can′t be wrong just because a small group of ignorant, and rebellious people say He doesent exist.

    Let me tell you something:
    EVEN IF YOU DON'T BELIVE IN JESUS, HE LOVES YOU...GOD LOVES YOU. Feel his love, you are His child...His creation.
    Faith is a grace... ask for it...You will be gifted with it.

    Study, talk with believers. Ask God to help you.

    Don't be so lonely

    religion is the rainmaker of history, tell something enough times to hopefuls & someone might believe it.It exists on the premise of two conrtradictions - fear & hope,fear if you dont believe and hope if you believe ? so which one do you pick ?
    do you want to go to heaven ,well beleive in its up to you what you like or dont like ?