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Position:Home>Philosophy> I need help adding value to my own existance?

Question:i live my life wishing to die every day. I just dont want it. There is a serious flaw in that my own life holds no value to me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i live my life wishing to die every day. I just dont want it. There is a serious flaw in that my own life holds no value to me.

What don't you like about your life? Someone could have the perfect life but I'm the type of person who believes there is always room for improvement. I don't know what kind of problems you have, but I know my childhood wasn't easy, and my new adulthood (I'm 20) really isn't always up to par. I've made alot of mistakes and I was suicidal as a teenager. I would have died if my mom didn't come home that night and had found me..
Now a days, I know that someone out there always has it worse. There are starving children, abused mothers and daughters, homeless with not enough clothing to keep them warm enough to even survive through a new york winter... I sit to myself and wonder how these people do it, how they survive without wanting to die like I have in the past....

But in all reality, in the end, after your family is gone and your lovers have left your and your friends have stabbed you in the back, all you have is yourself....

You have to make your life the way you want it. Don't expect help from anyone, because if you do get it, then you will be more greatful for it.

There is a song I heard once that I LOVE and I really would like you to listen to if you have a way to download music. The song is called
"Everybody's Free (to wear sunscreen)"
by Baz Lurhman
Just listen to the lyrics and know that you can make it through no matter what obstacle you tackle. It may seem horrible, but it would always have the potential to be soo much worse...

If you need to get things out, write in a journal, see about a school counselor or therapist... Get it out somehow, will feel better I promise if you let it out in whichever way works best for you...

Love yourself!

Just stop listening to Marylin Manson, believe in yourself, go buy a teletubbies season 1 dvd or something, just don't consider suicide.

Enjoy all the small things in life and tell yourself how great you are everyday!

you only get one chance at life, live it to the most, don't waste it.x

Wow. Im so sorry. Take care of yourself. You should seek professional advice, sweetie.

Go skydiving. snowboarding.


Jerk yourself out of it---and have hate sex with a strange beautiful, dangerous person ....because you can. and do it all in a NICE car.

charge it and worry about paying it off later--u need this RIGHT NOW!

If your alive and typing right now then obviously you are here for a reason. Please stop wishing to die, because your life is wonderful and meaningful to the people around you and to the ppl who answer this question.

My mum always told me to look below and not above me. When I see suffering in the world worse than mine, It tells me I am here for a reason. Perhaps if you help somebody and find something that makes you happy it will help. Otherwise I see no flaw in you. You are human .Get help talk to someone.

Find Jesus.

And whatever you do, although it sounds enticing, don't do what Eva-Bell... said about doing anything and not to worry about paying for it til later. Please don't do that. My friend's dad was a suffered from manic depression. Last April, he committed suicide. What was one of the deciding factors? Money. Splurge a little, treat yourself, but don't over-do it. Don't do it to the extent of buying a new pimped out car. Cuz when later comes around, and you don't have enough money for it, that's just one more reason to let go.

Do something to help others Do some voluntary work with the needy that will give value to your existence and make you feel better about yourself. I foster children it gives them a little happiness and stability for a while and I feel better for giving them that safety. have a look for voluntary work overseas that way you get to travel as well.

"Love yourself" is a daft answer. That's the whole point of the question!

Firstly, you need to come to terms with the fact that you may not yet be ready to contribute to the world in the way you want to. A lot of people think that they should be making massive contributions to society from the moment they are capable of understanding the concept of life having meaning.

In reality, making a positive contribution to life requires several traits that have to be learned. Inner strength, determination, a rational belief system and compassion are all useful, but cannot be picked up immediately.

Look at your position in the world as being like a journey. At the moment you are at the start of the path, and at the end of the path, somewhere off in the distance, is the point at which you are a person with a full and meaningful life.

The first step is to find a little way in which you can make yourself a better, stronger person. I suggest doing some kind of charity work, or get a part time job helping out at a school or hospital or something. If you really care about making a difference you will find that you will grow in confidence as you do good things. This will then make it easier for you to do more good things.

However, you should also realise that you are only human. There are unbreakable limits to your personality that will stop you being 'perfect'. Aim to give more to the world than you take out, and you will start to feel like a real person who actually wants to be alive.

Prepare for the worst, but always hope for the best. In rehab "last chance motel" your pretty much out of everything, what got you there doesn't work anymore, yet its all you know and you can't even begin to try to imagine a time without it. Its very tough work, some of us are still clean and dry today. ONE DAY AT A TIME. One of the first very small things they tried to teach us is its the very little things that must not be neglected i.e shaving, brushing your teeth etc, and with practice bigger stuff follows through and one step at a time one piece at a time all builds what is really one big picture.
What I'm trying to say is meaning and direction seldom come like a bolt of lightning from the sky. Look around you at the every day stuff, all you'll ever need to love and embrace your existence is there. Flaws ! everything has its place even what you call flaws. A flower in one garden maybe called a weed in another.

Consider a long-term investment in platinum.

Uh, look. You seem to be clinically depressed and could benefit from professional help.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.