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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would be the elements of the atmosphere of silence?

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Tranquility, peace, the colour blue, the number eight, hearing your heart beat, feeling your hair grow, noticing how big your lips and mouth are.

Well, that's what has come to my mind.

In India the monks put you in a cave for a year or two and tell you not to speak. Learning to hold your tongue will be a great start.

peace and love

What you fail to understand is that the atmosphere of silence only exist in ones mind when ones mind is open to any and all possibilities. Confused yet? I sure am

totally meaningless question

A cool, gentle breeze.

It would have to be the "absence" of sound. The problem is, "absence" is not/cannot be an "element," because only a "something" can have qualities; a "no-thing" is void of qualities.

So the atmosphere of silence would be a void of the qualities of noise.