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Position:Home>Philosophy> Life gives you lemons you make?

Question:a slightly more exotic drink. yes?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: a slightly more exotic drink. yes?

if life gave me lemons i throw them back and say "I WANT ORANGES!!!!!!!"


Actually I was going to say lemonade.

No, no - cut them up into little wedges and squirt them into people's eyes!

i dont make anything.
i cut the lemons in half and squirt the juice in the eyes of whoever pissed me off

a lemonade stand!!

koolaid its better

i make grape juice and then wonder how the hell i got grape juice.

limonada fresca or you have to learned how to make limonada

a really great sauce for my orange roughy!!!

Lemon chicken with rice pilaf and may be a nice vegetable.

you make life pay!

beef stew.

drink yes, wheres the vodka or a natural high lightener

Limonade. A french drink? Citrus Tequila. An alcoholic drink. Extra Lemony Sprite. Ohhhhh Funn! Lol. How about Carbonated Mineral Water with lemon juice and cinnamon.

When life gives you lemons, SELL THEM ON eBAY! :D

Yuck! I don't. I let them rot. And just by being myself and doing good to others and myself no matter how life goes for me I make my favorite drink, Hawaiian punch!.

I'd make drinks for me and my friends. Then I'll grow the seeds, so I can have more of my juicy drinks. :)

A nuclear weapon

strip and go nakeds

2 cans of concentrated lemonade
1 beer
1 bottle of vodka
mix in a blender and enjoy

Yell "Cheapskate!" to whoever that person is who calls himself life. Why? Because real life do not have hands and cant hand you lemons out of nowhere.

Actually I'd take the lemons, peel them, and pop each slice in my mouth one by one... Kinda tastes good in some cases...

... wine. It's like a party trick. I can also walk on water. :-D