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Position:Home>Philosophy> If we get rid of all the illegal immigrants is it true the us would become a uto

Question:No way.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No way.

No, just less crime and poverty.

No, but it would be a massive reduction on our taxes and need for social services. Crime would be reduced significantly.

All capitalist systems have crime and poverty so illegal immigrants(Mexicans) have nothing to do with those figures.America is very unequal in the gap between rich and poor hence the crime and poverty.America should aim to be more like advanced countries like Germany and Sweden.They have low crime and happier people.

hahaha NO!
not all illegal immigrants are poor criminals(other than the whole being here without permission)
There are tons of citizens of the US that are poor and there are tons that are criminals.... so there definitely would be no Utopia

the U.S. economy would cash.If from one day to the other all the imigransts disapeard so many labor jobs such as counstruction, agriculture and many things would lack workers, so i would say NO

if all the illegal immigrants weregone, there would be less poverty and more money for all us citizens, the only problem with that is that there would be noone to do the work americans are too good to do.

I can't yes or no about this because if we got rid of the il-
legals, it would take care of some of it but not all of it.



Utopia would require the additional exile of those spouting moronic demagoguery.

No, the illegal immigrants will never disappear. America has and will always be a dream....a sort of promised land or utopia. People will always aspire in following their dreams. America....Land of the free and home of the brave! Crime will never cease...Lets just face the facts of life!

No. But that's what many people seem to think. Ironically, those are probably the very same people who will be the next scapegoat. Those who will end up poor when their employer moves to some third world country where people work for 5 dollars a day and the government of which will pay them to smuggle their toxic waste out in their products.

no, we just have a very poor way of dealing with things in this country. It's not just the illegals that cause the problems, since not all of them are criminals anyway (though many of them are and should be dealt with), it's really the corruptness of our own government of doing such a crappy job with the economy. Alot of them just want to bask in their money and dont want to help with problems we're facing, most of them they cause more problems, like these foreign wars that are bringing us into economic turmoil. The open borders is just one thing that need to be dealt with.

A utopia? Are you serious?

What it would do to dis-allow illegal immigrants living here would be to correct a massive ongoing illegal practice. I think a country and its people are insulted whenever illegal practices go on.

So I think it would improve the culture to that extent - but create a utopia? I think that's a bit of a reach.