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Question:...and why?

Personally religion has and continue to bring turmoil to the world...nuff said.

thank you for sharing...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...and why?

Personally religion has and continue to bring turmoil to the world...nuff said.

thank you for sharing...

Like guns, religion is not the problem, it's the misuse of religion that's the rub.

Just as there was violence in the world before there were guns, there would be still be turmoil in a world without religion. Most turmoil currently attributed to religion actually has other true causes.

religion is a total waste of time as there are no divine beings

Religion was conceived as a way to scare the masses into a controllable state by the ruling factions and has out grown it's usefulness.

I think religion is great, so long as you don't press your beliefs onto other people. Everyone needs a deity they can identify with. Religion offers hope and consolation in an often cruel world.

I wouldn't say RELIGION has brought turmoil to the world. I would say elitist PEOPLE who believe their way is the one true way bring turmoil to the world.

well, im agnostic, and if people want to practice a religion, i dont really care, they can do what they want. as long as it doesnt affect me, and if they dont try to force me to believe in their religion, i think fine for the most part......sometimes religion can really help people, so what the heck...

My view is that I see no other hope for this world and the direction it is going other than in God and Jesus! I don't see hope in any other religion or social structure.

Even Nietzsche said he feared the future that would embrace the survival of the fittest and become a world of tooth and claw and we can see the results in Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and Stalin etc. A society that abandons its moral base and the God that established it are capable of any atrocity as we can see the atheistic Communist governments of the last century and in Hitlers embracing of survival of the fittest and his disregard for human life.

May you find the relationship that offers love and hope.

Yes religion has divided people and caused hate and condemnation, shame to many, including me. A relationship with Jesus is way different. He did not come to send religion, that was what people did to shame others, and to cast people out and judge the world, which was never their right anyway. Jesus came not to condemn but to heal and restore. Anything less than that, has brought many problems and caused confusion, and has in my opinion made God angry with those who try to play God.

I think religion is a very personal and controversial thing.

There are so many different religions- if you looked at them all, and listened to followers of them explain why they believed in them, you wouldnt know what to believe as all make good points and have good morals.

Religion starts a lot of wars, and it shouldnt. I think religion is a good thing so long as people dont try to push religion onto each other. People should be allowed to believe what they want to believe in.

There will be more turmoil if white America does not begin to have a discussion of Obama's Black Liberational Theology, because after he becomes President is not the time to say, "Oh, but I didn't know how the blacks in this type of church were going to take power." And as all white presidents have made policy based on their own white religious beliefs, Obama will make his policies based on his Liberational Theology.

Yaoi, America is not white. That is just ignorant.

My view is that people should not participate in a place of worship that has multiple spouses, condone sacrifices or war, persecute others for different beliefs, or molest our children. These should be against the law everywhere, and should hold harsher punishments for trying to convince others that breaking the law is okay or "Godly".

Giving me a really bad headache, so I'm correcting this question first.

"What are your views on religion?"
"...And why?

Personally, I think religion has and will continue to bring turmoil to the world. Enough said.

Thank you for sharing."

Yay! It's legible!

Anyway, here's my answer-
I don't think people should tie themselves to one religion. Your beliefs should change as much as you let them-which should be a lot. You should have good rules of living though. Like, I have a few rules that I'd never change no matter how much my beliefs change.
1. No pre-maritial sex.
2. No drugs/alcohol (in excess).
3. Must get a college education and major in something useful (not English literature, which no one cares about).
4. Must not be afraid to say/do what's right.
I got all of those from smarter, more experienced adults, so I think they're pretty good.

The reason I put that under a religion question was because religion seems to control a lot of that kind of stuff, or so people say.

But my basic thoughts on religion are that you can believe in God one week, a female God-or Goddess if you prefer (Wiccan idea, I think)- the next week, both the next.... Keep going like that if you want to. There obviously has to be some deity somewhere. Matter doesn't come from thin air according to the normal laws of.. what? energy? I don't know. But it's just not logical! So there has to be something.

I'd never call myself a member of any specific religion. I might share the same beliefs, but that's it. It should be good enough for them.

Of course, I'm a naive 14-year-old. What would I know? XD

Edit: Sorry about how long that was.

We all know the battle between science an d religion....and i feel that science is the how and religion is the why.Christians believe that God is in everything, is everywhere, and in all of us; well so is energy, literally.

I personally do not follow the ways of any organized religion, because as humans we cannot know what the Truth is and to whole-heartedly devote ourselves to any religion is closing ourselves up to all other possible truths. Just like i can't belive that we are the only ones in the universe, I cant belive that we appeared just to be here.

I believe not in God but in a god, or rather an energy that sparked all creation. why? i couldnt tell you nor what our purpose is, but there is a universal energy that connects us all.

I think that it is all right as long as it causes people to treat each other with some degree of respect. However it gets to be very troublesome when people use it to claim that they are better than others because of their religious beliefs. It seems to cause a great amount of turmoil in the world so for the most part I would rather not participate in any formal religion. I tend to believe that there is probably a divinity of some sort but I can hardly influence how that divinity feels about me. I was once a devout church member but after seeing the infighting that went on within the church I felt obliged to leave as I felt I was with a group of hypocrites.Also I got sick and tired of hearing the church hierarchy cry about money all the time.

Religion is built on the more irrational part of the human imagination. Since religious belief systems are the products of people's imaginations, they can be radically different among themselves.

People have a heavy emotional investment in their preferred religions and will easily fight members of other religions who disagree with their particular superstitions.

Religious warfare has been prominent in human history and is still going on in the Middle East and India today. That is why religion is a curse.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.