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Question:If you know you will alive next 24 hours only?what will be your last wish to be filled it out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you know you will alive next 24 hours only?what will be your last wish to be filled it out?

realistically? probably just cry a lot.

i would go and spend me day at the humane society with the kitty cats, serious.

if i was told i had 24 hours to live i would kill about 4 people i can think of off the top of my head you shouldn't mess with people with terminal illnesses they are the only people truly above the law.

Do everything I want to do and die proud.

my last wish would be to achieve maximum in Life and die in the hands of my parents.

I would make all the arrangements for what follows a death so no one else would have to do it.

I would wish to speak to all my loved-ones. I would also like to let everyone know where everything of importance is. I would hope I was in good enough condition to go outdoors and witness good weather. I personally would pray.

i would say all the mean and nasty things i've always wanted to say people and wish bad luck onto everyone. then i would probably go crazy and on the rampage after that.

I concur with the first answer to this question as its the very best thing that I could do under the circumstances.

to see britney spear steal jamie lynns new born child and end up in a 5 state car chase with a sting of poparazzes chasing her on live tv

stay with my family - sing songs - tell them stories - tell them how much I love them.

What / How much can you do?

EnjOy - Till it Lasts

What would I do? Sit back with a good cigar and a bottle of high quality Scotch and let it happen. I can't stop it so I may as well let the last hours of my life be a relaxing and easy day.

I will sent my photos to all my crush (7 of them) and tell them I was in love with them ^-^