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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats the maya calander?

Question:I recently ask why people think that the world is going to end on 2012. One of the answers was that the maya calander end. I dont know what the maya calander. FYI..... I dont think the world's going to end. Im just curios.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I recently ask why people think that the world is going to end on 2012. One of the answers was that the maya calander end. I dont know what the maya calander. FYI..... I dont think the world's going to end. Im just curios.

The mayan calender is a calender made by a very intelegent culture thousands of years ago. This calendar predicted many things that actually happened in our time. Please read my answer to your first question to find out about it in more depth.

an early group of peoples made a calender and it ended in 2012.