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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you were a lamprey eel, what shark in life would you feed off of?

Question:Loan sharks!-----Old abba song>>>>>\
"Money, Money, Money......

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Loan sharks!-----Old abba song>>>>>\
"Money, Money, Money......

great white is there any other

a bull shark. since it can swim in both fresh and salt water, its food supply is never in danger. and neither would mine.

Legal sharks, insurance sharks and real estate sharks indiscriminately.

peace and love

A card shark

If I was a lamprey eel, I would want to be the one that killed Henry I. Even eels can make history, you see.

Sex offenders....they are at the bottom of the life chain.
Just so you know, the real ones, not the ones that have been set up and wrongly convicted.

Nurse Shark of Course

any sharks :(