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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you knew the time you would die, When would you set your alarm for?

Question:Why set an alarm, i hate alarms when i wake up. So why interrupt my peaceful death. ;)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why set an alarm, i hate alarms when i wake up. So why interrupt my peaceful death. ;)

Half past the time .

I wouldnt set my alarm, cos I wouldnt want to sleep. I would be out there doing everything possible with my time left.

if you knew you would'nt have to set your alarm

1 billion years ago.
Because I don't want to die. hehe

I wouldn't. Hopefully I would just go in my sleep.

if i knew i was going to die and i knew the time. i wouldn't be sleeping i would be living my life to the fullest, doing everything i wanted 2 do.. righting my wrongs.. telling the people i hurt sorry.. loving those i should be.. praying.. and having fun.. so, if i went to heaven i would be able to go there and say.. i fulfilled my dreams

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Love and blessings Don

About ten minutes after I go.

At least 5 hours before. Then I'd go out and go bungee jumping or parasailing or hang gliding. I want to go out with my boots on. ;)

I won't need an alarm since I know the time of my death. Fortunately the time is kept secret to God's hand! How can I set alarm? But I'm sure God will ring the alarm when the time would approach, because He loves me. He just ordered me to go on doing all the good---not to worry for the time of death. He assured me that when I would be going to commit any sin, he would pick me up at right moment He thinks best only. People who think of death in advance, they die before the real death. Cowards are one from that group!

I wouldn't give a damn.


Well, in our son's suicide note, he wrote: "'s 2:30 pm...I have little time left. We were all sleeping as he ended his life...not really funny.

I wouldn't, hopefully I'd be asleep so I wouldn't know what was going on or feel the pain.

about an hour before. That way I could brush my teeth, comb my hair, put on some nice clothes, and strike a good death pose. Unlike most people who go kicking and screaming and end up laying there looking all weird and contorted. .

I wouldn't...
I want to explore the Earth like the story "Into the Wild" and that's the place I wanted to die... "Trapped in the Wild"