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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the biggest mistake you have commit in your life??

Question:Why you did it??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why you did it??

Lying, to cover something up that I accidentally did wrong. It was a good lesson, though. Always tell the truth!

Not finishing my degree at university

told a HUGE lie, which i cannot mention.
i did it for attention

first marriage. young and dumb

No following my dreams.

ditching my ex to go with somebody else for money.

I've made bad decisions but never consider them "mistakes" everything happens to teach us lessons in life. If you can look back and see how it benefited you, its not really a mistake is it?

I kissed my best friends ex boyfriend. I did it because I was upset and I didn't really know how to stand up for myself, so when he tried to kiss me, I let him. I know its a lame excuse... but I regret it everyday... but I am glad to say that me and my best friend got over it, and have actually gotten closer because of it!

i guess giving my cousin the answers to an exam on his ipod he ratted me out and i payed the price i was kicked out of my dorm

I broke a boys heart.
because I couldn't tell the difference between a boy who likes you and a boy who likes you likes you.....

This is a hard one because I'm 49 years young and have raised two boys. I've made so many mistakes in my life, I couldn't tell you which one was the worst one. Live and learn!!!

punched two bobbys, got my ribs battered. good times.

Not waiting until marriage to have sex.

I did it out of selfishness and because I put my own wants before what God wanted.

Letting someone walk out of my life when i should have asked him to stay

Beleiveing the words of my ex-husband when he made a deal with me and then he stabbed me in the back so hard, the knife is still there, 15 years later!

My biggest mistake was going on holiday to Italy in 2003, as from that point on my life just spiraled out of control and now I'm miserable with absolutely NO WAY out of the mess I'm in.

my biggest mistake was not listening to my best mate regarding my ex boyfriend, she kept telling me he was no good and it would all end in tears and guess what? thats exactly what happened. why didn't i listen? cause i always thought i knew best

Jumping into marriage too quickly (3 years), I did it because at the time, I thought it was the right thing to do.

trying to be someone im not to get people to like me, but that all pass and i have awesome friends now

me no know...

got married , why i did it, i loved him ,but he left me with four children which i love very much

Not being serious about life when I was younger, like not studying in high school and partying too much, then flunking out of college the first time around (again, because of partying).
I'm 37 now and married with 2 kids and look back at the missed opportunities. I could have been anything I wanted in this life, gone anywhere, and I chose to be stupid and I regret it now.

Not keeping in touch with people. Now it' too late to contact them.

I told a teacher about a boy who was seriously bullying me at school. Biggest mistake of my life. It got worse and carried on for another two years

Buying a Dutch Linguaphone course

there have been so very many, I guess that the only thing that really matters is that I learned from the mistakes and the inevitable consequences and have endeavored, not always successfully, to not repeat the mistakes over and over......why did I make mistakes, oh, well being human is why.....forgiving myself has been the most difficult of challenges, forgiving myself for being human and making those mistakes, so easy to forgive others not so easy to forgive myself, but have at last.....

Thinking of some of the things that I had done as mistakes.

Love and blessings Don

Biggest mistake - staying married to my abusive husband.

Why - Because I had five children with him and was afraid of being a single parent.

Believing in people who I knew didn't deserve that trust. I trusted people because as humans we have to believe and trust in other people we can't just keep certain things to ourselves.