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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the difference between nature and reality?

Question:Define both if you want to.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Define both if you want to.

Nature is real
reality is a concept

Nature is reality.. Nature is a beauty in its original form. But reality may not always be good to know.. It can be hard.. It can be a worldy unwanted truth which no one wants to hear.

what say?

everything you can sence is reality - nature is jus a small part of it

A naturalist affirms the identity.

Anyone else has a distinction.

E.g. nature is only half of "nature v nurture" which are both real.

Also, some people deny the reality of the natural world, in reference to supernatural worlds (Platonists).

Nature is the state of all things, reality is what we can perceive in nature; there are some things in nature we can't perceive.

not much of a diffrence. reality means something of real, like poorness is reality. nature is something of real too, it changes, it moves, watever. basicly, nature is reality

Nature- is what the earth gives us
Reality- Facing the truth about the world, like world hunger is an issue. Or AIDS. Stuff like that people dont' want to belive but know its true. thats Rality

Reality in its most general sense includes nature within one of its many complicated activities