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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people think the world's going to end on 2012?

Question:I think is stupid that people think the earth is doomed 2012. Where did people get that from? Nothing happened in june 6, 2006.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think is stupid that people think the earth is doomed 2012. Where did people get that from? Nothing happened in june 6, 2006.

People believe the world will end in 2012 because that is the day the mayan calendar ends. The mayans were a very intelegent civilization(1000's of years ago)that predicted several disasters that have actually happened. For example, hurricane katrina. Because they were so accurate many people believe that if they could look into the future and predict this and all the other stuff they predicted, then they would be right when they said the world will come to an end.

Also scientists have prooven that polar shift will happen in the next 10 years. This could cause several super natural disasters that can kill many in the zones of them. (This theory seems more likely then the mayans!)
Anyways I have a hard time believing all this as well. But this is why they think this. Hope this helps!

it when the maya calendar ends.

look it up

r u serious?????? omg u playennn i dnt wanna die =/

it is when the Maya calender ends so it may end the world but maybe they just didn't get around to finishing it. who really knows