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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it pointless to worry?

Question:Yes it is pointless. Worrying does nothing to change the problem and only drives you crazy. I honestly rarely worry. I just attack the situation at hand and if I cannot fix it, I just pray and go on with my life.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes it is pointless. Worrying does nothing to change the problem and only drives you crazy. I honestly rarely worry. I just attack the situation at hand and if I cannot fix it, I just pray and go on with my life.

Has it ever helped?

Love and blessings Don

Technically, yes, but it helps us deal with our feelings.

It is pointless to worry, because nothing has happened yet.
When it does happen, it is instantaneous and you can't worry in that instant
when it is passed, it is too late to worry.

so don't worry, be happy,


Worrying is a process that humans must go through in order to find positive ways to deal with certain issues. Its an ugly feeling we all hate but it also motivates us to find solutions.

Yes. You will worry less when you focus on the present moment, dealing with problems and enjoying good experiences only when they occur, without expectations about the future. If you try to expect certain things in the future, then it can be a problem because you might worry so much, but nothing bad happens, or, you might have good expectations, but you suffer when your good expectations do not eventuate.

unless there is somethng you can do about it...yes! is healthy....exactly like fear...but both have to be within normal accepted levels.


The one thing here to remember is that feelings are not facts they are feelings. Worrying is basically an emotion of what is not fact yet, and try to keep the two separate. It can be pointless but part of our human condition.

Yeah, the problem will be resolved eventually and worrying doesn't help.