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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the point of living if your going to die one day everything in this worl

Question:It's even worse than that!.

In 4.5 billion years or so the Sun will expand and swallow up the Earth, and everything that's ever happened here will be frazzled to nothing.

So let's just be nice to each other for the moments we're here.

No point in being miserable. You're a long time dead.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's even worse than that!.

In 4.5 billion years or so the Sun will expand and swallow up the Earth, and everything that's ever happened here will be frazzled to nothing.

So let's just be nice to each other for the moments we're here.

No point in being miserable. You're a long time dead.

we live to answer your question

If that's your attitude, take your ball and go home!

The point is "what is meant to be, is meant to be" You were born to live, that you can die, no matter if it's useless or temporary. Nobody asked you if you want to live. Your parents wanted, that you can join the life only how YOU wanted to live your life.

Yes it is so enjoy it too the max while you can :-)

The only way to be usfull and eternal is to die first...but before, you must learn how to live god in your days in the aim to die in the best way.

Someone thought these same thoughts - - over 2000 years ago - -

Read Ecclesiastes (in the Bible). All of it.

Especially Chapter 12: 9-14



seriously.. sit down with a cup of tea 4 this one.

there is no perspective without death.

death makes us reflect.

Only if God exists can our lives possibly have a point/purpose.

Christians believe that God put our intense need for purpose into our human nature to point us to Him. We are to seek Him for that is all He asks of us. Seeking God is what Christians sometimes call worshiping God.

Ask yourself what the point of sex is cause it's just going to be over anyway - as the next bra you see is getting unhooked.

Not to be overly flip either - that's not a bad metaphor for life - it's to live and experience. What else ya gonna do?

I agree with you, but we shouldn't question life and how pointless it is. If everyone thought like that , no one would live sensibly. We need to live correctly, and make our time count.

In death, the separation of the soul from the body,the human body decays and the soul goes to meet God for a particular judgement that refers your life to Christ.Either entrance into heaven - through a purification, or immediately, - or immediate and everlasting damnation.God, in his almighty power,will definitively grant incorruptible life to our bodies by reuniting them with our souls.

Actually I would say the answer lies in your question. We are all going to die one day and everything in this world is termporary. That is the point of living - to embrace life while you have this fleeting opportunity. Before you too fade from life itself & peoples' memories. (Cease to exist full stop)

Cheerful little budget, aren't you? I bet you're a riot at parties.