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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the difference between hope and a wish?

Question:What a great question. I think the difference is where they come from ;) Hope comes deep from the One, Creator (G-d). So does joy and deep peace. "Wish" is from the temporal ego -- the emotional surface part of us. So would the feelings of gratification with getting something new (it wears off), anger, attachment, etc.

The difference is Hope Joy Peace spring from the Olam Haba (World to Come or Eternal) versus wish, anger, wanting stuff spring from Olam Hazeh (This world).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What a great question. I think the difference is where they come from ;) Hope comes deep from the One, Creator (G-d). So does joy and deep peace. "Wish" is from the temporal ego -- the emotional surface part of us. So would the feelings of gratification with getting something new (it wears off), anger, attachment, etc.

The difference is Hope Joy Peace spring from the Olam Haba (World to Come or Eternal) versus wish, anger, wanting stuff spring from Olam Hazeh (This world).

a wish is more desired than a hope.
like if I wanted a car and I wished for it I'll like go nuts if I don't.
if I only hoped for it but I'll won't trip out, I'll just be like "yea... whatever..." though I'll still be disapointed if I don't get it though.

A wish is direct.

Hope is vague.

Hard to describe without using the words to define themselves... so I am going to cheat and use the old cut and paste....

Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope implies a certain amount of despair, wanting, wishing, suffering or perseverance — i.e., believing that a better or positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary.

A wish is a hope or desire for something.

you wish upon a star ... not hope upon a star !

Hope is the belief in a postive outcome.

Wish is the desire for something.

You can hope your wish comes true
and you can wish you had hope
or wish your hope comes to be.
But they are different.

You wish for things that are some how reachable, you hope for that which is out of you're possibly getting.

They are both words which have the same meaning. Another one is prayer. I may hope that it rains tomorrow because I just laid a new lawn. Someone else may be wishing for it to be sunny because it is their wedding day. Another may be praying for a strong wind because they bought a new kite. Sometimes these things come true and sometimes they don′t, the fact remains that whatever is going to happen will happen. If what happens is in line with our prayer or hope or wish, then we might say that it came true!! If whatever happens happens goes the other way then we may be disappointed. Either way, it is all vanity and striving after the wind!!

they are both just something that you desire but a hope is something you think may happen while a wish is more thought of as a phantasy or a "what if" kind of thing.

I believe that they are both the same thing. Either one will bring you nothing more than disappointment. If however you choose to take action toward something then that's powerful.

I would think that a wish is more desired and wanted than a hope. In a way, a wish is for more extreme things; whereas hoping for something is you knowing that there is a slight chance it might work out... Hope this isn't too confusing

This is my opinion, I do not claim final authority here.

(Except for Jiminy Cricket whose dreams always came true when wishing upon a star)

external - temporary - comes from a place of hopelessness or lack

internal - eternal - awareness of evidence of unseen God substance

Christ in you the HOPE of glory

I just realized I haven't said 'Best wishes' for over 20 years now - I say Peace be with you - or Blessings, if appropriate, or love, instead of best wishes. I am amazed at how Holy Spirit overcomes my carnal mind and lifts me up to the Secret place of the Most High in my awareness, which inevitably seems to put the words in my mouth.

Remember this may not be true for anyone else. But this is how it's working for me.

Thanks for this enlightening Q :) - for me at any rate.

HOPE is a general term to WISH, but WISH is a personal term to HOPE.

'Hope' is less desired; more realistic. 'Wish' is by chance; more ambitious.

Hope is something you carry with you always, that is always in your heart and soul, and something that is most of the time the same. Like hoping that you will live a happy life.
A wish is more direct and instant. It's like: I wish today is going to be great!
Most of the time you don't mean what you wish or it is not as important as what you hope.

Hope is something you firmly believe in without knowing It is more like faith . ..A wish is a desire for something you may have or get..

Hope is what you do when something seems impossible.
You wish when there is still a good chance what you ask for will happen.

Hope is desperate.

I wish I had a brand new firebird with Ttops and pearl paint job.
I hope I have a brand new car I can afford the insurance on in the future.

A wish is something that is unrealistic and hope is something that is within reach but you still have to work for.

Hope is more passive and more general. Wish is more active and more specific. My hope is to receive the ten points. I wish you to give me them.

a wish is something you'd like to happen.

hope is the belief that it will happen

hope springs eternal
If you wish in one hand and spit in the other which do get more of?

Hope is a desire with expectation of obtaining what is desired, or belief that it is obtainable.
We should be joyful in hope.

A wish is to long for; or crave; to desire. You can wish someone a good day or good night, if someone wants you to do something you really do not want to do, you might say "if it is your wish I will do it." To request a command; as, I wish you to go now. You can wish the day over, or wish for a new car. A desire for good fortune, as, you have my best wishes.

Good question