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Question:what should be done by those skilled in goodness?
This is what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness is the first lene of the English translation of the Metta Sutta and Audio scroll down) but what else should be done???
As always I ask this Question with Loving Kindness
(((((All Sentient Beings)))))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what should be done by those skilled in goodness?
This is what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness is the first lene of the English translation of the Metta Sutta and Audio scroll down) but what else should be done???
As always I ask this Question with Loving Kindness
(((((All Sentient Beings)))))

If goodness is an ocean as vast and deep as truth and beauty then the sun, the wind, the air, the land is the creation, the creation of human life, out of that boundless ocean. When processes of nature causes the waters of ocean surfaces under the blazing heat of the sun to rise up into the atmosphere and then carried away vast distances across inland and over the mountains where they rise even further, and condense to from droplets of rain. The rain that when falls upon dry and scorched land plants animal and humans alike benefit, life is invigorated by this vital supply of water from distant oceans.

We can understand goodness through our acts of kindness, care, compassion and love. When we do something good, or when something good is return to us, we find ourselves closes to our humanity, our trust in life is reinforced and we start to believe that there is goodness in everything to be found.

Therefore, to be skilled in goodness is to be able to be like the sun, the air, the rain and also the land, to be able to receive goodness, to be good to others in our conduct and also to be able to stay as a medium of goodness in the world. It might be easy to believe that goodness exists, or the life is good and so is human nature, but it is quite something to be a living proof of what you believe in.

Most people are good people to start with but their sense of goodness is often too vague or imprecise. They might not know how to go about expressing their good intentions, for instance, in a world full of all kind of purposes. In my view therefore to be good means to be precisely good, to be particularly skilful in doing something good, to have all the nobility of intention, decency of conduct and clarity of vision in this regard.

Be kind to others, and help everyone you can with whatever you can.

Gouranga, go vinda jiya jiya, no polojiya jiya, go vinda mata hari, go vinda jiya jiya

spread peace be kind to others they know not what they do

goodness is an illusion.
enjoy your time in the Matrix

Serve the needy. There is so much suffering going on that you have wide choice of what to do.
Keep in mind of course that people trained in medical skills are better at doing this than they are at fixing neighbor's broken cars (and probably more usefully employed).

St Francis seemed to have the right idea.

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Love and blessings Dear brother,


They should try and cultivate the goodness they have in others. And they should also make sure their daily activities reflect their need to remain skilled in being good. Lastly, good people need to be open to change when change is warranted so that what was once good does not become bad.

teach people how to write and read.
