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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people have to rely on having a higher power like GOD why cant one put th

Question:I don't know why. If God is love and love is saftey I would think of God being 'not saftey' in fear of Him not being there! That's not to say He's not there but if He is how the hell do u know? I just won't put a false belief in something that may or may not exist. But all these religous folk tell me th story of Jesus every year and I belive a little less. And I listen to all these crack-heads theorys bout God not existing and I stop caring bout what others think cuz they're all idiots and I won't find a damn truth in a single word they speak.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know why. If God is love and love is saftey I would think of God being 'not saftey' in fear of Him not being there! That's not to say He's not there but if He is how the hell do u know? I just won't put a false belief in something that may or may not exist. But all these religous folk tell me th story of Jesus every year and I belive a little less. And I listen to all these crack-heads theorys bout God not existing and I stop caring bout what others think cuz they're all idiots and I won't find a damn truth in a single word they speak.

Fear most probably, and not enough self belief

God intended for people to rely on their own power; that's why God gave people free will. God (or Divine Will) created the universe and the people in it. It's up to us now to take care of it and run it responsibly.

It's what they've been taught to do. People who they trust and who are in the position of influence tell them it's true and have a counter argument for everything, and no matter how pitiful the argument may seem to you or me, they readily accept and believe it. They've just been grossly mislead and given mis-information all their lives.

we ultimately get things done ourselves angels don't fly down and do our bidding... however its the knowledge of knowing that we have someone there for us, someone on whom we can count on and fall back that releases stress and gives us hope to undertake situations way above our reach.

The question of why a higher power and self power are confused. We have individual power. You have a choice as to a higher belief or not. Most, at some point, refer to a higher power/being -- whether this is guidance or direction or totality of faith. People get confussed on their individual journey.

Travel without some sort of guide (map, compass), will have you going along bumping into life's situations haphazardly; you may only be going in a circle. While having a destination, a plan and guidance of where you are headed might give better defense and preparedness for whatever lies ahead on your journey. You may still stumble or fail to reach your intended destination; but, at least you had a plan! Leaving those with you (family, for example) closer to those goals, destinations...

Generally, people need something to keep balance.

Especially in todays mixed up wars, media barrage, scientific advances, choices of right and wrong, or forced acceptance of rule(s).

Assessing what is and what will be; if this or that....these are constants in our lives. You have individual choices, while there will definitely be consequences to them. But which is the best choice and how will I deal with the outcome? These continued questions on our journey of life generally keep us looking for direction and guidance.

Labeling these is the overall question. Is it God, Allah, Buddah, is it a constellation, is it metaphysical, temporal brain waves like satellite beams???? Why must we label and claim it? Answer: for understanding and communicating amongst each other... a common symbol that represents X.

Acceptance of differences to similar goals. And understanding why, what, etc... these are all varied answers given in example form through individual and collective observance of mankind - in the Bible. Psychology, socialogy, science, etc define and explain natural laws this way, also. Not as either - or, but together to explain the universe and why we do what we do. For better understanding and for our guidance; our check and balance of daily choices.

afraid that they won't have someone to go to when they encounter problems.

Because finitude is awareness in anxiety-- which means, our finite nature inhibits our ability to transcend our own limitations.

God(or belief) is how human beings cope with hopeless situations that are in need of "miracles".

In most cases that people rely on a higher power its because they need a higher power. If a man has cancer with a 10% chance of living and there's nothing he can do otherwise but "hope". Whether or not thats to a God or to one's "own power" doesn't really matter as it serves the same purpose of "positive thinking".

Btw, what exactly do you mean be putting myself in my own power? In the case of the man with cancer there truly is nothing of his own power he could do... unless you mean for him to start studying about cancer on his own to try and find a cure.