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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever wonder what you might have become if every opportunity was afforde

Question:........such as some sort of way to decipher your talents and then get all the education or training necessary to become all you could be?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ........such as some sort of way to decipher your talents and then get all the education or training necessary to become all you could be?

If you think about it, in the U. S. many are fortunate enough to do just that will just a little extra effort, but most of us don't.

yes like those I know that never had adversity....a lazy entitled slob!

yes. i would not be here eating ice cream, sitting on my butt answering a stranger's question on yahoo.

i would have a life.


A spoiled lazy whiner. That is my fear anyways.
I earned my degrees. I worked hard and then I worked to pay them off. I have pride in the things I earned and gratitude for the things given me.
Having things too easy, having nothing to strive for, I think would be a misery.
Odd but true.

Like the financial aid? Or like parents that actually care? I wonder all the time...

You have this opportunity. It's called life.

Who knows, I might have been a Jaguar instead of a good looking Grey cat.

I've learned after many drunken nights of "could of been should have been why me" that it's not worth it.

When I get like that, I just turn on a good Pink Floyd album, light up a little you know what and drift away in my own thoughts.

The next morning, I'm fine again.

I would have been a somebody... I could have been a contender!

I don't think there is a single person on this whole planet that has not contemplated this thought. The irony of life is that we are afforded every opportunity but we somehow refuse them for reasons unfathomable even to ourselves.