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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would the retards get eaten by the dinosaurs first?

Question:Well, if dinosaurs still existed, would mentally ill people get eaten first anyway, before non-mentally ill people?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, if dinosaurs still existed, would mentally ill people get eaten first anyway, before non-mentally ill people?

Well you would certainly think so.

We would need to rely on our cunning to evade the dinosaurs...the "retards" would be least well equipped in this department.

Also...I bet it would be easy to trick a retard into thinking the dinosaur was Barny or something. So while the dinosaur was feasting on retard, we could all run away.

This is why it's vital to keep a healthy population of retards handy at all case the dinosaurs attack.

whoever was the slowest runner would get eaten first!! (don't count out those wheelchair people, they can MOVE!)

I would definitely use them as trap bait. Dino steaks are mighty good.

no. because many of the mentally ill people are in mental hospitals or in locked in facilities, where they would survive longer than the silly people frolicking in the meadows. dinosaurs don't really much care who they eat, they'll go for the first thing they see.

Dinosaurs were plant eaters.

I would have to say that yes they would, unless some insatiable natural instinct came over them. This could be a very true response for them. The are less likely to fight instinct with brain power. I still however feel that the most intelligent people would survive. I am not being harsh because I do not feel that, even I belong in that category. Yes, I think the retards first, but my definition of a retard is not a mentally ill person. It is the person who attacks prejudices. The people who are scum, and harming other people. Things like murder, rape, and all other punishable crimes. If it were up up me, anyone that was a habitual liar who be considered a retard. It is all how you read the words, and what your personal definition of them are.

Mentally ill and retarded, as you put it, are two entirely different things. You are ignorant.

And, really?
Is this a serious question?...

Judging from your pic it probably is a serious question.

It would be survival of the fittest for one and all .

. Like the man said to his buddy as they were being chased by a raging-mad bear: "I don't have to outrun that bear. I only have to outrun YOU."
true story. I was that guy.

Are you talking about the intelligent idiots masquerading as macho men? And the fool females who are doing their damnedest to prove that anything a man can do I can do better attitude? Those retards?
Well ... I think they would be the first fools to a dinosaur dinner, yes I do.

If by retards you mean neocons, then I hope so . . . .

Those who would get eaten first would be the less physically able to get away and the more courageous people who stopped to help them.

If you look at the situation in purely epistemological terms, then if the dinosaurs still existed, the mammals would most likely not have risen in prominence. Hence,, there would be no humans as we know them, hence there would be no 'retards' as you callously call them.

Law of the survival of the fastest.

"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.

Yes. If the mentally ill people try to promote KFC to the dinosaurs ^-^

you people are getting ugly now!
If you mean by "retard" someone who is limited in learning abilities...they may have the natural survival instincts to outlast you!!