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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you had one week to live, what would you do?

Question:Who would you call?
Who would you see?
Who would you want with you in the end?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Who would you call?
Who would you see?
Who would you want with you in the end?

I would call my parents first of all, and let them know that I have an excellent life and not to be sad.
I would take my girls any where in the world they wanted to go. I would take 1 day and party my but off.
In the end I would want all of my family, friends and the old friends I have not seen in 20 years.

if i had a week to live. i'd want to see my daughter as much as possible.
i'd call a few very good friends and amke time to see them.
i'd make sure all incimiating evidence from my life was burned. lol
i'd want my mom to be with me at the end, but she has already died, so i'd want my brother there.
if i had time, i'd travel the world and do all kinds of crazy stuff too.
but one week? i'd get my hair done really nice. i'd make all my plans and make sure there was one hell of a party planned for my wake.

I would see the world and take one best friend and family member with me ( to see the world that is)

I would call my mom cause I haven't talked to her for ever. I would see all my loves that made me happy and lets see in the end..I would want this one person with me that is really hot, so we could just do it till the end :P


I would get all of my stuff together and burn it in the backyard, elimating all evidence of anything. Then I'd try to set up a painless exit. I really don't care about anyone; I'd like to leave in peace.

well, being that my destination would be second stop at the funeral. I would make sure they knew I was on my way. then I would tell any family or friends I'm finally retiring from life. and then I would make my prayer call to say I'm coming home.I would leave quietly to be carried across the threshold.

i would go to the true nature and i would bring my family and good friends and i would just have a the end i would like to have a book in my hand and my boyfriend's arms around me.

Life would go on like normal, I would stop worrying about the future.

peace and love

I would call everyone i know friends and family and throw a week long party. the party can end with my death.