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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why?

Just like most of these myths, there is some basis in reality.

Somebody opens an umbrella indoors and knocks over and breaks a lamp say, after that and similar things happen, next think you know it's unlucky to open an umbrella in the house.

Walking under a ladder. Somebody gets some paint spilled on them from a bucket on the ladder. The guy on the ladder drops his hammer... Now you have another superstition.

So while I don't think any of these things are unlucky, I do think that you need to use caution when doing them.

I think it is only bad luck if you open one in a small space and accidently knock things over or hit someone with it.

Only if the umbrella is dripping wet and there is a large chance that I'll have to dry the floor afterwards...but really, I think all of these myths originated from someone opening an umbrella indoors(or whatever the myth is) and having something bad happen to him elater on. Thus, he blames it on the umbrella, leaving no guilt for himself. Something everyone does, occasionally.

Superstitions always come from a one time event. Probably someone opened an umbrella indoors and something bad happened in that same instant. Then some people associate the two things together.

Not if it's raining.

I know many who believe that. I am not superstitious but I think it is a weird practice.

Not as much as breaking a mirror. We used to make umbrella forts as children, unbrella tents, umbrella pretend stores, house, those were the roofs. Each and every store in the pretend mall ( oh yes, didnt every female child make pretend shopping mall stoes?)

No harm ever fell on us, so as a superstition, it can be largely discounted. All the adults had to hunt for their umbrellas though and the worst that happened was being scolded for not putting them back where we found them.