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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where do you see the human race in another 100 years?

Question:Science doubles every six months. Hard to wrap your head around, but think of it. Double what we know now is staggering. Double that every six months for 100 yrs!?
Stem Cell research is just taking off. Very soon disease and birth defects, injuries and cosmetic probs will cease to exist. Cancer? hit this inhaler. Alzheimer's? Take this pill. Broken spine? Drink this. Damaged organs? Easy.
Teleportation is a fact now. Nothing big or far, but it has been done in the lab.
Light can be slowed and even stopped. Has been done with lasers and supercold.
Nanotech will create pure elements and assemble them in any form cheaply. The by-products (waste) are pure water and electricity.
See what I mean? It's already sci-fi out there, in two years, ten, twenty, the world will be totally changed.
In 100 years, you won't recognise the world or the people in it. Nobody can say how it will go.
Interesting Times.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Science doubles every six months. Hard to wrap your head around, but think of it. Double what we know now is staggering. Double that every six months for 100 yrs!?
Stem Cell research is just taking off. Very soon disease and birth defects, injuries and cosmetic probs will cease to exist. Cancer? hit this inhaler. Alzheimer's? Take this pill. Broken spine? Drink this. Damaged organs? Easy.
Teleportation is a fact now. Nothing big or far, but it has been done in the lab.
Light can be slowed and even stopped. Has been done with lasers and supercold.
Nanotech will create pure elements and assemble them in any form cheaply. The by-products (waste) are pure water and electricity.
See what I mean? It's already sci-fi out there, in two years, ten, twenty, the world will be totally changed.
In 100 years, you won't recognise the world or the people in it. Nobody can say how it will go.
Interesting Times.

Living in underground tunnels because of lack of ozone.

And if we don't act now, we MAY NOT have an ozone to protect us. Also, I hope that humans survive long enough to see 100 years from now. We destroy ourselves & constantly have conflict. We all live on this Earth, so we need to get together & save it!

I see the human race trying to cure lung desiese, becaues the air is poisonous.
Over image consious, still blindfoldingly polluting the planet.,
trying to create ways to make life easier.
Becoming over weight and dying through heart faliure because of lazyness..
Hobos everywhere.....

100 years from now, its gunna be a sad world.

totally dependent on technology the need for physical exercise will be gone. More health issues will arise b/c people do not get enough exercise.

i also see an improvment on the electric plug in cars

i see it here,full of tattoos .living like rats,underground;scared of coming to see the sun light ..if it will be possible to see any,with this pollution


all dead. the way we're living now won't help the furture generations live much longer.

I hate to answer with an, 'I don't really know.' but I'm so glad that I won't have to see the human race in one hundred years.

I am desperately hoping that the average life span does not increase drastically, as humanity is going to destroy itself and I don't want to watch.

Highly modified (as in souped up), or dead.

Long gone.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!! All this talk about people being DEAD or EXTINCT or LIVING UNDERGROUND EVEN!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!! The humans are already a highly advanced civilization. maybe for a short time America will have to live like the younger or less advanced civilizations. but hey, i don't see anyone there complaining. After a short time we will be able to CHEAT DEATH! what the heck are you talking about living underground. we need plants for air. plants need sunlight. take out the ozone and there will be harmful UV lights everywhere. UV lights mean radiation. Radiation means no plants. no plants means no OXYGEN. so if the ozone goes, EVERYTHING GOES. so soon we will find some way to come out of our needs for fossil fuels. and it will be great.

we'll all have two heads webbed feet, and gangs will roam the earth much like the mad max movies.

Probably wont be much different from the way we live now except the advances in technology which will add lots of cool things and will make life even easier, but pollution may be more of an issue.

I don't see it really any different than now. Better technology. Flying cars. Newly formed underwater cities or on top but near land of course. Perhaps a planned colony on the moon. And a future space trip to Mars. Who knows also some space colonists living on a space station. That's what I see.

I think the human race is already extinct, but we don't really know this yet. By the time global warming makes the danger of our extinction really obvious, it will be too late to do anything about it.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.