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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you "do" anything without conjuring universals?

Question:You can't even begin to attempt to understand this question without invoking universals, despite the fact that Yaoi thinks every man, woman, child, monkey, talking dog and vitual reality computer program is a philosopher.

We have a natural tendency to place things in groups based on similarity. We call these groups concepts. The infinity-billion-dollar question is whether or not we create these concepts as we go, or whether they pre-exist on some metaphysical level.

The compelling evidence that they pre-exist is the fact that everyone around the world comes to realize the exact same conceptual system. It's just a matter of translating it from one language to another.

In fact, the evidence that we're accessing the metaphysical on some level is SO compelling that we have a name for the concept of all concepts......UNIVERSALS.

If you don't believe that universals exist on the metaphysical level, then why would you use the language of this belief structure to define your way of looking at it?

BE- Invokes the universal of current existence.

HERE- Invokes the universal of current place.

NOW- Invokes the universal of current time.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can't even begin to attempt to understand this question without invoking universals, despite the fact that Yaoi thinks every man, woman, child, monkey, talking dog and vitual reality computer program is a philosopher.

We have a natural tendency to place things in groups based on similarity. We call these groups concepts. The infinity-billion-dollar question is whether or not we create these concepts as we go, or whether they pre-exist on some metaphysical level.

The compelling evidence that they pre-exist is the fact that everyone around the world comes to realize the exact same conceptual system. It's just a matter of translating it from one language to another.

In fact, the evidence that we're accessing the metaphysical on some level is SO compelling that we have a name for the concept of all concepts......UNIVERSALS.

If you don't believe that universals exist on the metaphysical level, then why would you use the language of this belief structure to define your way of looking at it?

BE- Invokes the universal of current existence.

HERE- Invokes the universal of current place.

NOW- Invokes the universal of current time.

"Be here Now".

Conjure is an odd word for a philosopher to use.

"To what precisely do we refer when we designate three persons as "men"? We refer to the fact that they are living beings who possess the same characteristic [universal] distinguishing them from all other living species: a rational faculty

—though the specific measurements of their distinguishing characteristic qua men, as well as of all their other characteristics qua living beings, are different. (As living beings of a certain kind, they possess innumerable [universal] characteristics in common: the same shape, the same range of size, the same facial features, the same vital organs, the same fingerprints, etc., and all these characteristics differ only in their measurements.)"

"When concepts are integrated into a wider one, the new concept includes all the characteristics of its constituent units; but their distinguishing characteristics are regarded as omitted measurements, and one of their common characteristics determines the distinguishing characteristic of the new concept: the one representing their "Conceptual Common Denominator" with the existents from which they are being differentiated.

When a concept is subdivided into narrower ones, its distinguishing characteristic is taken as their "Conceptual Common Denominator"—and is given a narrower range of specified measurements or is combined with an additional characteristic(s), to form the individual distinguishing characteristics of the new concepts."