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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of synchronicity?

Question:Jungian concept? Yes I like it a lot - Can never work out if the laws of averages are at work or synchronicity. But I like it so much when it seems to happen that I buy it!

My life does seem to have been particularly blessed with being at the right place at the right time - but I could be an optimist too. I think that you have to prime yourself to have your eyes open and looking.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Jungian concept? Yes I like it a lot - Can never work out if the laws of averages are at work or synchronicity. But I like it so much when it seems to happen that I buy it!

My life does seem to have been particularly blessed with being at the right place at the right time - but I could be an optimist too. I think that you have to prime yourself to have your eyes open and looking.

Good album, one of their best...

the coincidence of events that seem related, but are not obviously caused one by the other. In german, its called Ausgangssprache.

Synchronicity is lucky coincidence, but to get it you have to be prepared. Only a person that has prepared can get everything comes in time and fits with what he wants.
Archimedes got an idea when he was in his bath tub, because he had thought very hard before he was resting in hid bathtub.

for me, it is vital in living a harmonious life

It only happens when it happens.