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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever wish you were crazy?

Question:My mother was crazy, I watched her suffer for years before see finally died without ever controlling her mind. She eventually lost every bit of dignity that a person can have.
No I do not ever wish I was crazy.
Congratulations by the way, your question is the first ever to bother me. I wont stoup to reporting it unnecessarily however. Just be careful with the things you ask.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My mother was crazy, I watched her suffer for years before see finally died without ever controlling her mind. She eventually lost every bit of dignity that a person can have.
No I do not ever wish I was crazy.
Congratulations by the way, your question is the first ever to bother me. I wont stoup to reporting it unnecessarily however. Just be careful with the things you ask.

I did once.......and I'm conclusive evidence that wishes do come true.

i am crazy lol

so people would understand why i was on yahoo answers

My wish can true a long time ago.

Love and blessings Don

ugh the other blonde girl said what i was gonna!

i already am crazy!!!

Thanks, that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me today!

that way i wouldnt have to read peoples fake poems al day becuae they have no responese yah sure why not else

don't have to... two kids do that to you anyway...

I question whether any sane person can live in todays society ?

Every day.

No, once you've seen someone slowly go mad it isn't all it's romanticised as it seems in beat-nik books or cracking films.

Try watching a grown man cry because he thinks there's tiny people living in the floorboards then ask again.

And what evidence do you possibly have that you're not crazy. Don't think that sanity is a strong brick platform. It is merely a small life raft in the middle of an ocean and your ability to balance life is directly related to you balancing your sanity.

Be careful what you wish for

we are all crazy its just the sane that's stupid
Nearly everybody else is crazy, so it wouldn't be very interesting.

No, i never do .

no...idiot maybe.


~~ No! Sometimes I wish I was sane. ~~

i wish every day that i were not crazy in life...........

All my wishes have come true!! :D!

according to freud we are...its the fact that we realise everyone is crazy that keeps us all sane

Yes,we do !

Others say I am !!! But what constitutes being crazy or sane. Is there such a thing as normal? I think all three states are blurred. Everyone has a bit of every state.

Yes, sometimes I wish I could, but just for the anxiety to be with God. Why? Because those whom God loves, He first makes them crazy before calling them back to Him.

The option is strategically sound for some situations lol.