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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do many people feel this way sometimes?

Question:Time spent trying gets lost in the abyys of confusion

A black hole where my heart for life once was.

The eternal darkness reigns supreme over my petty desire for change

Change that is begging for a new begining,

a new plead for destiny but nothing heeds its call.

why is a man not rewarded for the sweat of his brow?

why cant a simple man change his stars?

Destiny is not defined.

Destiny is not written.

But why cant i help but wonder that i cant change it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Time spent trying gets lost in the abyys of confusion

A black hole where my heart for life once was.

The eternal darkness reigns supreme over my petty desire for change

Change that is begging for a new begining,

a new plead for destiny but nothing heeds its call.

why is a man not rewarded for the sweat of his brow?

why cant a simple man change his stars?

Destiny is not defined.

Destiny is not written.

But why cant i help but wonder that i cant change it?

I know this feeling but I got into something called science of mind & I read alot of spiritual books that help me feel better. One of these things I do is something called Abraham. It is channelled material by Jerry & Esther Hicks. They say that our purpose in life is joy. All of this stuff says "It is done unto us according to our beliefs" & it is easy to see how this is true. It isn't simple stuff cause sometimes your beliefs are very imbedded. It is always worth it though my life is so much better than before & I wouldn't want to going around without this knowledge. So "why is a man rewarded for the sweat of his brow" is because of his belief. If you work hard & are really a good person & you stick something into an electrical socket you will get a shock. If a murderer sticks something into the electrical socket they will get the same result cause it is the law of elelectricity. The electricity doesn't say "wait I can't protect the one person from being hurt because they are good" the law doesn't care who you are & what you have done. So if you believe you work hard & never get anywhere you will continue to get those results. You can see how there are others who don't work at all & are rewarded. This will help you learn to create you life. It's great but you have to be open to recieve it.

ya we ll have this feeling at sometime or other.............well u can change it..........its said time changes everything

Everytime a bill shows up in the mail....What you are sensing is your id doing a balancing act, trying to decide whether to create or destroy. Meditation will help sort this feeling out.
peace and love