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Position:Home>Philosophy> If there is a God, would you say he's an underachiever?

Question:You know you've done it right, when people don't suspect a thing.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You know you've done it right, when people don't suspect a thing.

since we are all rottig corpses what are we...real losers I suppose

Are you kidding me! He is almighty!

Well if there is a God then there is only one God. It is not like there are lots of Him up there. Since there are no other Gods then there is nothing to compare him to so you can't call him a under or over achiever.

no...why would u ask that?
he made the whole earth

If there is a God who created us, than no, he isn't an underachiever. He created amazingly complex creatures such as us, and created an amazing world which we still don't understand fully.

no, because it's the devil that is causing all the trouble today. God is just allowing his presence until armeggedon.

There are no ifs about it the subject.
There is a God, He is your creator and you insult Him with your question.
No He is not an underachiever.

Thor is no underachiever!! You're lucky he doesn't smite you with his mega hammer for that one!

Zeus, our one true lord, is the King of Kings, he is magnificent! Never!

No. I'm an atheist, but if there is God, He knows what he's doing.

There is a God and one day you will have opportunity to ask Him that directly. In my opinion He did a wonderful job. Just try and remember big picture. His ways are higher than our ways. We judge with a finite mind a creation that is infinite.


One might argue that the perfect being obtains perfect by itself without Divine intervention.

One might also argue that underachievement exist because the human race no longer relies on evolution so much. Everbody with glasses would not last long if we were in the stone age...

No 'product control' means lousy products.

Or God has created us perfect in every aspect (including imperfection) but then again he formed us after himself..?


If there is a God, I'd say he's either sadistic or completely apathetic. Take off the rose shaded glasses and take an honest look at the world around you. This is not the work of a loving God. If God's aim is to have his creations suffer, then he's a high achiever.