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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that we are in control?

Question:Do our thoughts and emotions control our reality? Or is the Universe all at random?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do our thoughts and emotions control our reality? Or is the Universe all at random?

Universe is in control of its own, as Nature is.
"We" are not in control of our reality. As you say, our thoughts and emotions though, falsify our reality. Also our imagination distorts our perception, therefore the reality. When we have a problem, we feel different, upset and ill-at-ease, then we don't see reality the same way anymore. The other side is when we feel so good, we are careless, just fine! All is bright! Altogether, we never control our reality, all the rest control our reality, the way I see this.

How could we possibly answer that question?
I try not to concern myself with confusing paradoxes of life. It usually doesn't work, though.

Try standing in the path of a lava outflow and see what your thoughts and emotions can do. You will quickly learn that we control almost nothing. Nature give us a perspective that our ego abhors.

HELL NO! Even if we were look at what we are doing.
Hi, mr. Global Warming

1. Thoughts and emotions control our reality only when you combine them with physical action.
2. The universe was never random of chaotic to begin with. Nature has laws which it cannot break. Therefore, anything in nature is controlled by the laws of nature, which automatically makes them understandable by someone, somewhere, if not now then sometime in the future, as part of physics.
Nature cannot by its own nature be chaotic or "random."
3. To rule nature, we must first obey nature. (Hume) We are only "in control" of those things which we first obey.

But if we obey everything that has context to what we are trying to "control,"

We have total control