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Position:Home>Philosophy> Parent's love: Evolution VS Pure love, which is it?

Question:Is our brain programmed to care about our children(which i do not think it could consider as 'love') or is it purely love... Or little bit of both? Is there any scientific studies done on this?

Im only 16, i dont have kids, im asking this out of curiosity and any kind of answer will be appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is our brain programmed to care about our children(which i do not think it could consider as 'love') or is it purely love... Or little bit of both? Is there any scientific studies done on this?

Im only 16, i dont have kids, im asking this out of curiosity and any kind of answer will be appreciated.

Parents are always programmed in their brain to love their kids.
Parenting is like a pride,belongingness,owning a property(atleast for 3yrs),dominating some one,and obviously affection(will come on any object).All these are easily available if you become a parent.
To achieve all these parents need a tool called love.
Love makes any one very addictive.Each and every being in the world expect love.
Love is always pure.So if a parent showing love to their kids then that will remain pure love.

purely love

btw, congratz for being top contributer

One can look at any animal,mammal, and see the parents concern for the safety of the young they create.
This is a kind of love, yes.
It is perhaps the purest of all loves because it is the natural instinct for survival and the continuation of the species.
I suppose that a few adult humans have found true love. It is a wonderful thing to be honest and open with another human.

i think it is both

No, we are not "programed" to automatically care for our children. There are many males and females who do not make very good parents because they lack the "instinct."
Love is developed for the child from something inside.