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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why has no-one thought of population reduction to solve the world's problems

Question:Less pollution, less war and fighting, more food, more water, more housing, more land, more freedom, less poverty, less starvation, less illness, etc, etc, etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Less pollution, less war and fighting, more food, more water, more housing, more land, more freedom, less poverty, less starvation, less illness, etc, etc, etc.

Certainly that is an issue in the world. We are actually doing just the opposite. We are reducing the medical reasons that people die. Traditionally there were two major reasons that the average life span was in the 30s. Famine and illness. War was a side threat. There was also a huge chance that the baby would not survive the birth.
We have enough problem convincing the conservatives to agree with abortion to reduce the amount of births. You think that in this society, anyone would reduce the population in any other way. Yes the Chinese have tried it and would even put to death any exceptions. The US rewards people by increasing welfare checks or decrease taxes for additional children. Your reasoning is correct. We have too many people. But you will never get consensus on the solution.

They have and it may be going on as we speak ?

Ever heard of china's one child policy.

Why do you assume that the US is the worlds largest purveyor of weapons of mass destruction?

Love and blessings Don

Less Profit to. We used to have more deaths in the world but since the TV has made its way into the household, people have been given the opportunity to "BUY LIFE" and most cannot say no. I agree that most of the worlds problems are from overpopulation.

peace and love

Because such a solution is not acceptable to most cultures.

That is part of my reason for not having babies. There are many more but that is just one.
A lot of people believe that we are here to procreate and don't even think about the Earth in that way.

how have you managed to learn how to read and write without ever actually having read anything? what exactly is it that you have read if you've never encountered this idea before. it has a long and illustrious history trhat goes back 3 centuries to people like Thomas Malthus, whom I recall reading about for the first time in 10th grade geography.

There was a time when the world was much less populated...and we still had wars, starvation, lack of water/drought, housing problems, etc. And a lot less freedom.

because in some cultures having large families is looked upon as a sign of affluence... professing to do against it contrasts with peoples' beliefs thus any such policy has not yet been devised that would be acceptable for all... as people have already talked about china's one child policy even to many Chinese this is not acceptable which resulted in a Chinese lady having a second child hiding it away so that people wouldn't find about him and then faced a charge for doing so.

Oh but they have! Hitler thought of it; Stalin thought of it. It's still practiced today in some third world countries and is commonly known as 'ethnic cleansing'. So, how would you like to volunteer to be first in your population reduction program? Or do you just mean to kill off other people?
Edit: And Thomas Malthus did not recommend a population reduction program - he simply observed that the population is naturally reduced over time by war, famine, natural disaster, etc. He did not advocate actively killing off people to reduce the population!

Hitler tried to eliminate the Jews to give the Germans land in Poland and Russia.
I deliberately refrained from having children because I thought there were too many people in the world. I know others who have done the same. It has proven to be a lonely choice, though.
We could stop fighting diseases and just let people die of whatever disease they contract. This would certainly work, though it would be terribly heartless. Similarly we could stop fighting hunger and just let drought and famine knock off a billion or two people. Do you really want to live to see such a disaster?

I hope you do not mean "elimination." Reduction by "attrition" is "Zero Population Growth." (Google it)

ZPG is the reason American is so broke right now. ZPG has created a larger retiring group of us than can replace us. Our group is larger than yours.

If you do not want to stay in the red, in the hole, and be buried as a "lost civilization" you had better get to having more babies and train their minds to think cognitively, much better so than ZPG did.

China is not over populated. It is under fed. The farmers have not been allowed until recently to become Capitalists. In their economy, the Chinese have us beaten now, hands down. But they still don't have the other freedoms that come with Capitalism.

Our Capitalism was stolen from us, but we retain most of the other rights. We are hurting. Badly.

ignorant people are increasing.


China tried to limit their population, it didn't work.
In America, people don't want to be told how many children they can have.
How do we limit population? euthanasia? Kill the old people? Kill the handicapped? Kill the mentally challenged? Genocide? Hilter tried this and didn't win. ( these are horrible options.)
There is no pleasant solution to limit population. Nothing moral or favorable by the majority. We would lose freedoms by limiting population, not gain them. We don't have the right to play God.
What if we limited population and ended the lives of future who would be like Beethoven, or Einstein? Beethoven's mother was told to abort him, b/c he would be mentally challenged severely. She didn't and the world gained some wonderful music. something to consider...

I suppose you wish to volunteer? How would YOU decide who should be allowed to live and who should die?

Perhaps you think that less advances in medicine would be the answer? Those who fall ill could just die! ??

Seems, perhaps, personal responsibility might be more appropriate resolution to pollution.

If there are only two people in the world, and they meet - there will be a fight of some sort. It is human nature - animal instinct.

As an advanced society; an intelligent individual, learning to live amongst each other and provide for yourself and family in more natural ways; being responsible for Your waste -- these might be some Better ways to improve Our world.

Did you ever hear of Hitler? His ethnic cleansing would have less over-all population; but, still wars.

Perhaps we should allow only the pigmy's and dwarfs to survive as they are so small and take up less room on the planet's surface!

Follow your thinking through and you will see that there is no solvency to your "solution"....

Hope you decide to keep some farmers in your group and some scientists - so those left will know How to survive!

Reducing population will not solve the problems of war etc. What if the reduced population is composed of bad people.

~~ We're all here & we aren't leaving. Someday we'll come up with a better solution than killing ourselves off. Until that day arrives...."Feed the strays!" ~~

Will you volunteer "to go" first?