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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you feel sorry for the people who think man had to be made, but God just appe

Question:isted always, they will tell you, but those same rules don't apply to man. Never heard anything more ridiculous, have you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: isted always, they will tell you, but those same rules don't apply to man. Never heard anything more ridiculous, have you?

Religious belief systems are the product of the human imagination. That is why there are so many of them and they differ so greatly from one another. Belief in the Big Bang is based on the background radiation it left after it happened, which can still be detected.

There is no way of investigating what happened before the Big Bang just as there is no way of determining what things are like inside a Black Hole because there is no way we can construct probes that can go into these things and send information about them back to us.

It is possible to use creation myths to explain the Big Bang, such as using the command "Let there be light" from Genesis.

But you could just as well use another religious creation myth to explain it, such as the one about a gigantic snake getting a huge case of indigestion and vomiting out the universe through the pinhole of the Big Bang.

It is impossible to verify or falsify these explanations, and they are meaningless.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

it's as plausable a theory as the big bang theory... which would give your life more meaning? and if you pick big bang and find out you are wrong when you die....

no bc thats the way god wanted men to be

Your opinion!

It's not particularly ridiculous, because men aren't immortal, or self-sustaining. We don't appear out of nothing, but are part of a universe that predates us.

Whether or not all caused things should ultimately end in something that does come entirely out of nothing is something I don't think I could answer. The answer would lie outside of any one of us, because it would ultimately involve the activity of forces that brought the whole known chain into being, and are probably outside of universal laws, or are said laws themeselves.

No, I believe that God is eternal ... He always existed ... never was created ... is all knowing ... omnipresent ... exists as a person ... totally separate from his creation ....

He's perfectly just ... moral ... righteous ... loving ... and is always seeking his most precious creation ... Man ... trying to woo and bring man back into a right relationship with Himself ... A relationship of truth ... love ... holiness and integrity ...

God doesn't need rules ... He's perfect ... only the imperfect needs rules ... that's mankind ...

That's why he gave us the Ten Commandments ..... : )

To each his own my friend, to each his own.

Ps. Why don't you ask God?

that's very interesting, I personally feel that everything, every being had to come from something. Think about it, you can't make something out of nothing at all. To answer your question, yes I am ETERNALLY sorrowfull for those of such ignorance.

Your thinking right. Keep going.

yes...sadly...your question is more ridiculous

i think the only reason why we come up with the concept of 'God' is because we have made for ourselves a 'right' and a 'wrong'. if we didn't have a 'wrong', we'd consider ourselves gods because there wouldn't be anyone to look up to. i think a lot has to do with man being self conscious

Dude, you were trying to tick off every religious person on the site weren't you, 'cause you know that is exactly who is going to answer your question in droves, or at the very least the early if not total majority of answerers.

It is like believing the sky is blue. It is not really, just a reflection of the oceans, yet still you see people talking about blue skies. It is a case of either you hold the belief unquestioning, and when need be, such as your poorly worded question, they will defend and rationalize their case and defend their answers and their beliefs. You may think their rationalizations illogical, but do not forget that they think the same of your conclusions.

I do not feel sorry for them, in fact, I feel sorry for the atheists of the world who do not believe in anything... they will likely never know how just the holding of a belief dramatically changes one, giving meaning to their life, which without many fail to see beauty in life and the world surrounding them, and thus become depressed and are capable of going off the deep end. The organized religions hold that god is by virtue of godliness beyond and above the laws governing man and the worlds of men. Thus, the same rules do not apply to "him" as far as they are concerned.

You sound like you are very decided on the subject, and not very open minded, i feel pity for you then if this is truly the case, b/c I know how much you will miss because you refuse to be willing to be wrong and to be pursuaded should enough justified and documented and legitimately logical evidence be presented. Try to see the world from their vantage point and learn to respect the opinions and views of others, even if u adamantly disagree with their beliefs and hold their claims to be nonsensical rantings or something along those lines.

I see where you are coming from and would acknowledge that you are justified and have every right to your current opinion on the issue at hand. From a strictly scientifically logical approach, you are completely correct in assuming their assumptions and claims to be ridiculous. I also think you won't necessarily get the agreements you were hoping for... your target audience may or may not feel like commenting, i hope that they do for you, but don't be surprised if you get not so nice fan mail from Christians on a mission to "correct" your thinking.

Best wishes,

No, I dont feel any sorrier for those people.
Not at all.
It like a "but" plus another "t". Everyone has one, a concept, a theory, an opinion.
Dont let it bother you, because it is an opinion. Shrug it off, say " Really? You think so" and walk away.