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Position:Home>Philosophy> How we are aware of our aesthetics feelings in life?

Question:How can we truly know what are our feelings for the Beautiful and thhe Sublime, etc. in ourselves?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can we truly know what are our feelings for the Beautiful and thhe Sublime, etc. in ourselves?

Does it make you happy, happiness exsisting in a relm of bodily functions elevating. That's your physical proof. Faster heart beat, sweat glands and salivia glands upping production. How is this different from excitement or fear? Feelings which can not be explained. Catoragized but not explain for they are like the human brain and are different for everyone. So what you decide is beautiful is then for you beautiful. It may be catoragized by another as also beautiful but can it be explained to another who does not see it as beauty? "I think, there for I am."

Either I'm misunderstanding the question, or the answer is entirely simple-- by seeing something that one thinks is beautiful. If I see, say, a painting and am overcome by a feeling of beauty, then I am aware of aesthetic feelings.

If I see a good looking girl and the thought "wow, I sure feel beauty when I look at her" pops into my head, I am made aware of my aesthetic feelings.

Am I missing something?

Do you mean searching for the beautiful and the sublime within ourselves? I think that requires a fair bit of meditation and even then I don't think inner worth has anything to do with aesthetics. Yes, I am confused by your question I think xxx

Feelings are a chemical reaction in the brain produced by our self created reality.