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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do enyone agree we can live together wtheaut fighteng.?

Question:Not entirely. We can dump the weapons that protect the aggressor, though. There will be a lot less fighting if both sides have to grapple hand to hand. Most of it will be personal, not political.

We need to hold both political and religious leaders accountable for what they teach and the aggression they order. Charge them with murder.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not entirely. We can dump the weapons that protect the aggressor, though. There will be a lot less fighting if both sides have to grapple hand to hand. Most of it will be personal, not political.

We need to hold both political and religious leaders accountable for what they teach and the aggression they order. Charge them with murder.

yh. nd cats nd dogs can live together in harmony

No. With free will comes ambition. With ambition comes aggression. With aggression comes conflict...

Not really. People have a knack for believing their own ideas are the right ones, and unless they happen to be pacifist or just apethetic those ideas are going to be shoved down other people's throats.

only if everyone can put selfishness and greed to the side will this happen!
as humans it's a natural for us to be selfish to a point! that there only lies the problem!

yes you can live together without fighting my wife and I do.when we get mad at each other one of us will leave the room.than when we cool of we get together and talk about it and we come to agreement on it

Take the profit out of war and there will be fewer wars. USA lost the Iraq war on day one for it is more a war against them.

When we conceive of ourselves as waves of the same sea, as fruits of the same tree, i.e., as one, and all that implies about justice, equality, and prosperity, we can live without fighting. Humanity has managed to achieve ever-greater unities from clan to tribe to village to town to city to city-state to empire to nation. The transitions were often violent, but humans successfully raised their conceptions of themselves over time. If history is any indication, unity on a planetary level is inevitable, although it obviously won't be without bloodshed and suffering on an unprecedented scale.

not until we exacute soldeirs after war

No, man is a predator and warrior .

no way. it has always been the dream to all live together in peace. but even animals can't do it. it's in our DNA to strive to be the best. survivall of the fittest. evolution. call it what you want. it's nature- all creature's great and small. even protozoans will "fight" for supremacy.