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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should we live our lives as if today is our last day?

Question:I'm not quite sure of what's it means, but I've heard of many saying about that. If we actually live our lives as if today is our last day, we would do all the crazy things; would it be too much of a risk? What are the goods and the bads side to this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not quite sure of what's it means, but I've heard of many saying about that. If we actually live our lives as if today is our last day, we would do all the crazy things; would it be too much of a risk? What are the goods and the bads side to this?

Um, yes and no.
I think that the statement means that you should live each day to the fullest, appreciate the little things in life while you can. When you say "I love you", actually mean it. Build confidence, pluck up courage, all that inspirational crap.
Not that spending all your savings and travelling the world wouldn't be memorable either ;)

Too risky. I would be in jail tomorrow for sure.


I believe the world is going to end very soon maybe around 2015 or 2020 so yea just have fun whatever u do

it just means live your life to the fullest so that you don't regret things you haven't done or missed out on doing. i mean, theres a line between being too boring and being too dangerous, but its about having fun and doing what YOU think is enjoyable, not just being crazy. hope this helps.

If God comes back tomorrow, I am sure he would take me with him. I think we just need to re-evaluate our lives and keep in check that we aren't selfish or self-centered and that we are really trying our best by that saying.

I definantly think not. It would be too dangerous and hectic.

I think it was Kierkagaard that spoke of our ignorance of death; living as today was just like any other.

The good thing is that you'll find the experiences in what you always wanted to do
but the bad thing is that it might be too risky, you might actually lose your life for it or you might go to jail.
Otherwise, if its safe, then its safe...

That is really only a saying, so to speak. The message that it carries is that we shouldn't take any day for granted, because it could all end at any time. Try to make the best out of bad situations, and ENJOY the little things in life that you don't necessarily put much thought into. When you think about it, life itself is truly a gift. We were given life as a gift, and the best way to live it is to enjoy it, because it won't last forever.

...but really, would we all do crazy things? i think living today as our last day means to live without worries, live without fear, live without regrets, be at peace, and just appreciate life while we have it. to me it doesn't mean doing physical things.

Seems like it would get old pretty fast.

well that wood be bad becuz of all those last things you wood want to do before you like: smoking, getting drunk, doing "it", trying drugs, spend all of your money, yell at ur boss/teacher...ect
on the up town nobody wood waste a day by playing video games and most people wood tell the person they like/love that they do
it all depends on who you are if your dangerous and outgoing person that might be bad but if you sit on ur butt all day being lazy and playing video games then that wood be good
it also depends on your religion too
christians-were suposed to do that and we know the limits to that saying
people that blow up buses and building(sorry i dont know exactly what there called)-that wood be bad. lots of people wood die becuz of that

I don't think we would. I don't know if you believe in God or not , but I do.As for myself I wouldn't want to be engaged in something behind his back that I wouldn't do in his presence.

That's a personal decision. Do as you see fit.

Why plan for anything that would take longer than a day to complete?

Die and be Born again every Present Moment....

I believe that a philosopher once said,( I apologise if this inaccurate)

"Live each day as if it was your last but remember the decisions you make will be with you for ever"
I have a favourite quote from Sir Thomas More, Chancellor to Henry VIII.
"I think none harm, I say none harm, I do none harm"

Seems pretty good to me.

I think the saying "live as if today was your last" is directed more toward the idea of being ready to die. You know, tell your family and friends how much they mean to you, ever day. And most importantly, Get right with God. Don't think you have tomorrow to deal with Jesus. You may not even have all of today!

I think it means, stop putting things off, stop procrastinating, stop whinging.

It’s a nice idea and a nice saying…….. but in reality, it is utterly exhausting.

I tried it a few years ago. I started on the Monday and by the following weekend, I was absolutely knackered.


surely, we should live as though we might not even finish the last breath we take in at this very moment, but, have regard for tomorrow; we might have to correct the things of today if it were not spent wisely. why would one wish to spend even part of a new day cleaning up the mess of the previous one?...

I think a more specific question would be "What would you do today if knew you weren't going to get a tommorow?" The next question would be "Why aren't you doing it because there is no gurantee you will get a tommorow?" When I hear people talking about they are not happy in life or not fulfilled, it makes wonder how would they answer your question. I think if we knew exactly the time and place we were going die at, we would never go there. We would try to experience everything in life that there was to experience because mentally we are watching the clock.
I also don't think there's a good or a bad side to this question. When we decide to show up for our lives, the question will cease to exist.

The saying "live each day as if it were your last" means, more-or-less, "Make every moment count. Don't put off the important stuff."

I don't like this saying, because responding to oncoming death is not the same as having a life.

When told of that their deaths are imminent, some people might become one with God or the Tao. Others might declare their love for their families. Others would get dead drunk. None could commit to any long term projects.

I have a simplier saying: Live well.


It is simply another way of saying "Live life to the fullest"

Its not sayin think your gonna die tomorrow, it means enjoy your life.

I think in moderation, yeah. Because really, if you pass up all the great opportunities in life that will give you great memories and stuff, then you're life will be gone before you know it and it will empty and meaningless. But at the same time, you can't just go and do whatever because then, like the other guy said, you'd be put in jail for sure, or you may get killed, or you may become a hobo, the list is endless. Still, when you don't risk anything, you risk even more.
So, basically, to a certain point, yeah.

Ach, no. I think I'd be broke, arrested, saying goodbye to everyone I met.
OKay, actually it is the philosophy of living life to it's fullest, the "no regrets" sort of living. It works with limits, since you can't follow it exactly.

Throw all caution to the wind!
Better to Live each moment Fully and Completely....than to have had a "Near Life Experience".

Don't do it; it's a good catchphrase, but employed to all the wrong ends.

If I was going to die today, I'd pull all my money out of the bank and put it to use. But there's a good chance today won't be my last day. And then how will I eat tomorrow?

The only relevant application of the saying is religious: you should stay on the right track and get right with your creator daily, because the stakes are way too high if you don't.

Live like you are dying--Tim McGraw

It's kind of depressing, if you think about it. I try not to say live everyday like it's your last. What people mean is just to be confident, because confidence tends towards happiness, and that is what everyone wants.

I don't think it means go out and party, spend all your money , and kick someone you hate.

It means make sure you appreciate each day, as it could be your last, and to look at everything with a jollier view.
So by saying live today like you would die tomorrow simply means , make sure you end it on a high note, always feel accomplished and complete, and make sure you enjoy living.