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Question:What are the signs of a jealous person?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are the signs of a jealous person?

Non verbal sign, the eyes are a dead give away.
Trying to belittle, undermine a person.
Speaking bably of someone to others inorder to turn them againgst that person.
And ultimately violence towards someone who is 'different'

Hostility when someone else has good luck or accomplishes something...

uses force to achieve ones desires instead of respecting freedom of others.

Eyes and Behaviour.........apparently

hatred usually comes with jealousy. Some people have so much envy for someone , that they don't stop and think about their own self's talents.

when u have a reason to smile they have a reason to make u sad...........

What all the others are saying is true....

But Be Very Aware that many a times, jealousy is very silent, sign-less or even friendly (outwardly) like a serpent lurking in the hearts of some vicious persons. And then, suddenly it strikes, uncoiling and pour its venom and you're left reeling, incredulous, stunned, not knowing what had hit you. So choose your friends wisely (well, I do agree that's not always possible and there's no knowing when one decides to turn traitor, how or why!).

Hostile towards another's freedoms and achievements .

If they seem to feel engaged in something that is beyond your scope