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Position:Home>Philosophy> Am I an existentialist??

Question:this is a list of some of my belifs, amybe this could determine something.

I belive that reality is depends on each individual and what it's perception of reality is.
belive that life doesen't have a specific goal but one creates it's own.

I belive that enlightment is attained whe you do deattatch yourself from any physical need.

I am sorth of eclectic.

everie action has a reaction proportional to that former action

tangible objects are unreal outside theyre untangible meaning

I belive everie human is owner of theyre own spiritual, physical and mental self.

I belive in Minarchy

I am extremly individualist

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: this is a list of some of my belifs, amybe this could determine something.

I belive that reality is depends on each individual and what it's perception of reality is.
belive that life doesen't have a specific goal but one creates it's own.

I belive that enlightment is attained whe you do deattatch yourself from any physical need.

I am sorth of eclectic.

everie action has a reaction proportional to that former action

tangible objects are unreal outside theyre untangible meaning

I belive everie human is owner of theyre own spiritual, physical and mental self.

I belive in Minarchy

I am extremly individualist

Your emphasis on perception makes you an Empiricist.

Your emphasis on asceticism makes you a Buddhist.

Your emphasis on minarchy makes you a Libertarian.

And, yes, your emphasis on individuality and meaning makes you an Existentialist.

I don't think you have a single individuality but extra-dimension thinker

Your eclectic, not hat there is anything wrong with that.

An existentialist is one who studies the meaning of existence. That is to say the "why" questions, as opposed to "what" exists, which is what ontologists study.

So with thoughts in such areas, yes, you are an existentialist. There are many different existentialist philosophies and not all the things you said are in the area of existentialism. They are bits and pieces of many different areas of thought. That's pretty much the way most people's personal views are.

You believe in objective reality and spiritual reality , but you do not believe in God.
Could be you are an agnostic existentialist ???

You're a mild to moderate existentialist.

Where you contradict the existentialist mindset is in your sense of enlightenment. Sure, detach from the physical need, but then you've detached from part of your experience. The need may or may not be real, but it's still there, and you have to deal with that.

Also, your scientific view about equal reactions isn't existentialist. An existentialist rejects rationality as relevant to experience/reality.

"I belive that life doesen't have a specific goal but one creates it's own."

Just that statement alone makes you an existentialist.

There is no single strain in anything that you said that makes you an existentialist.

Besides, existentialism has been stretched so thin since its inception, it's sort of amorphous these days. Are you a Kierkegaardian? More like Berdeyev? Sartre? Camus? de Beauvoir? Heidegger? They all have unique flavors.


Some of your ideas are reminiscent of both existentialism and stoicism.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.