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Position:Home>Philosophy> How important is the POWER of IMAGES?

Question:There is no doubt that one image is worth a thousand words.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is no doubt that one image is worth a thousand words.

Images or imagination are extremely important. They hold more power than words. The subconscious mind does not comprehend in words, but rather in images (even for a blind person). You can still see into a visual realm even if you are blind. Your understanding or what is seen may not be the same, but it will still have a pattern or vibration or frequency that the subconscious mind relates to.

For example, because the subconscious mind is so powerful in attracting whatever we want into our lives, it will not understand the word not or don't but rather only the words that create an image. If I tell you not to think of a pink elephant, you will still get an image of a pink elephant just from the suggestion.

Images create feelings and a vibration that creates what happens in our lives in a non logical or not rational way. They are very powerful.

Try and ask this question to a blind person.

If not, it still can be very powerful "IF" a person is consistant with looking at the images because it bypasses the conscious mind and goes directly into the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind.

I totally agree

Images are more important. Compare the impact of TV with Radio; the answerer is evident.