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Position:Home>Philosophy> What wouldn't you do for money?

Question:i know there are alot of things people would do but is there something you would never do no matter what someone was willing to pay?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i know there are alot of things people would do but is there something you would never do no matter what someone was willing to pay?

Firstly, its best to establish that because no specified amount of money was put forth its safe to assume that you could be granted and infinite amount of money for said task.

What wouldn't one do for $10 million? Or even $100 trillion?

Well for that much, there's hardly a thing anyone wouldn't do? You wouldn't have sex with a complete stranger once for $100 trillion? Really?...

However, it becomes a question of, could you buy so much, have so much power and ensure the wealth of your grandchildren's children that you lose a sense of guilt & regret?

You would ensure the economic stability of hunderds, if not thousands, of relatives and friends for several generations to come. And you're not going to kill one person for that?

The real question is... would you be willing to sacrifice your own soul, morals and perhaps being(if asked to die for said amount) for those you wish to bestow this money on?

That's, of course, if there's no limit to the asking amount!

I would never sell my body for money.

Compromise my integrity...

sex, drugs, dating...


kill......only one i can think of. (in certain circumstances)

Many things - but here's some:

Cause cruel and unusual harm to my body in any way, have sex with an animal, eat a big stack of butter, eat my feces/throwup (but perhaps I'd drink my pee - i dunno what makes it less gross than eating bile), start a genocide upon any race of my choosing ....

The two things that immediately spring to mind are prostitution and murder. In general, I would be unwilling to break a law or the 10 Commandments.

yeah i would never give my arrs for money never kill a family member never kill anyone who has a strong disbelief or belief on something never and i will never work for the goverment for money :D

I wouldn't steal.Taking from someone who has worked hard , for there belongings, just because we cant be bothered to work ourselves, is one of the most selfish actions you can do.