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Question:How do expectations and standards of work, of behavior and of achievement affect the outcome (prosperity) of one's life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do expectations and standards of work, of behavior and of achievement affect the outcome (prosperity) of one's life?

If you have low work expectations, you will never achieve beyond menial levels.
If you have high expectations, you have something to strive for.
Different expectations of behavior (Is it okay to cuss in public? Am I honest?) can show what sort of morals and ethics we have.
If I expect to be only a lowlife bum, I will never be anything more than a lowlife bum.

by comparing one self to one self and not to another!

Standards and expectations can push an individual to prosper but they can be detrimentally as well. If you strive only to meet those standards and expectations of yourself you can miss out on a great deal of other things that foster prosperity in the human condition. Standards and expectations can narrow your view and make you myopic.