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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are the SMALL DETAILS in your life that makes you happy?

Question:List some of the small details in your life that makes you happy

Some of mines are:
- Hearing my favourite song
- Hugs (especially from my parents)
- Seeing a good movie that makes you wanna cry (Pursuit of Happyness, Life is Beautiful, Cruel Intentions)
- Do stupid things while im in love (and notice that later)
- Know that my mom sees me as a kid even though im not
- Laugh at myself
- Recieving encouraging words in hard times
- Eat as a pig at an all inclusive hotel
- Good, deep conversations
- Watch an eclipse, a full moon or the stars
- Knowing that God is with me
- Thinking that our universe is small, our earth is smaller, then we are way much smaller

And the list goes on....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: List some of the small details in your life that makes you happy

Some of mines are:
- Hearing my favourite song
- Hugs (especially from my parents)
- Seeing a good movie that makes you wanna cry (Pursuit of Happyness, Life is Beautiful, Cruel Intentions)
- Do stupid things while im in love (and notice that later)
- Know that my mom sees me as a kid even though im not
- Laugh at myself
- Recieving encouraging words in hard times
- Eat as a pig at an all inclusive hotel
- Good, deep conversations
- Watch an eclipse, a full moon or the stars
- Knowing that God is with me
- Thinking that our universe is small, our earth is smaller, then we are way much smaller

And the list goes on....

-inside jokes
-having a funny conversation with a complete stranger
-watching the sunset while listening to the perfect song
-making someone laugh
-random text messages that make you smile
-those nights you are outside with a whole group of people and you feel happy that you are living
-knowing God is with you every step of the way
-reading a good book that makes you want to read it over and over again

It's funny how our lists don't include any materialistic things in life.


my pets
seeing something rare
my friends
getting no homework assigned (unfortunately this only happens once in a blue moon, or I'd have more time to answer your question)

Mine are;
--seeing my puppy happy
--favorite songs
--favorite movies
--getting good grades in school
--getting compliments
--deep comversations, like you said, are really great and make me feel... idk, alive, or something... i don't know how to explain it
--the ocean; i love ocean waves and i love the ocean; it's just so majestic and mysterious and just plain amazing
--hearing accents; they are freaking awesome!
--having a simple crush on someone
--laughing with friends

I'm sure there are more, but that's all i can think of off the top of my head...

Knowing that God is always there for me
Watching my daughter laugh and smile
My husbands loving caresses
A good movie shared with my family at home
My dog
A relaxing bath by candle light
Questions like this

alaskan crab legs at captain georges
2.singing karaoke
4.movies that empower you like Rocky or Dirty Dancing.
5.walking on nature hikes
6.strong, hot showers
7.GOD AND THE ANGELS ALWAYS THERE first and foremost.

WOW, Mc, I see you are wise beyond your years. To enjoy the simple things in life is what keeps us young, as can be seen by the responses you have gotten.I have enjoyed reading all of them, so that is a whole lot of simple things I have got to enjoy by reading others "simple enjoyments".. And sitting here in total silence( except for my grandfather clock chiming and the crackle of my wood burning fireplace) while I reflect on all those responses I am alone but I feel closer to my GOD at the same time as I glance around at pictures of my family and friends on the wall and hear my old dog's breathing as he sleeps near the fire. And all is right in the world right now.


My landlady's husband's fat stalker's lack of creativity, my grandmother's incessant axe to grind, a new joke, a smile from a sad person, my evolution, my risk taking.

- debate
- sporks
- snow
- the sound of a baseball hitting my mitt
- laughter
- runny noses
- large sunglasses
- skinny jeans
- random objects in random places
- ironic people
- food
- good smelly chapstick
- the voice of a lover
- yellow
- music
- sharpies

A roof over my head and food in my belly.

A smile on my children's faces.

A hug from anybody, but especially my family.

Being silly and stupid and just goofing off.

A phone call to or from a friend.

Watching my young child share the magic of dandelion tufts with the other kids at the playground: she collected several, made me drive home in a non-AC car with the windows rolled up so the tufts wouldn't blow away, took them to the playground, gathered several kids, and taught them to make a wish and blow the tufts off the dandelion.

The sigh of sleeping child.

The twinkle in my husband's eyes when he tells me he loves me.

Talking with any of my many siblings.

Giving a smile to everyone I meet (especially gratifying if that person didn't have a smile of their own).

Knowing I am doing all I can to make a better life right now and preparing my children for a great future.

The sound of the water at a lake shore lapping against the bank.

The sleepy smile I get from my girls when I wake them up in the morning.

Wow, great question!

A clean desk. It clears the mind.

knowing God is with me
buying new writing supplies
going for walks in the rain
laying in my driveway under the stars
admiring men in uniform